Chapter 50: Christmas

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"Marley get up!" I heard Matt scream at me and felt my duvet cover be pulled me. I opened my eyes and seen Matt's big smiling face looking down on me. "Come on Marley it's time for breakfast then presents!"

Matt rushes out of my room and ran down stairs in excitement. I was glad that he was enjoying the day already. All the Callaghan boys loved Christmas and celebrated it in their own special way. Me and Tyler had our own traditions.

I managed to pull myself out of bed and checked my phone. Brody still hasn't text me and I was beginning to worry. This isn't like him. I know he loves me but it's Christmas and I want to spend the day with him. Was he changing his mind?

I tried not to think about it too much and decided to get on with my day. We had it all planned. We all had breakfast then opened our family gifts then got changed. After that Angelo and Sebastian were joining us and we were all going to have dinner. Then later all the boys and the girls were supposed to be coming over for some drinking and games. If it played out this way I expected it to be an asking day but it wouldn't be complete without Brody here.

I threw my phone back on the bed then walked out of my room. Just outside my room I seen Tyler walking towards me. We both have each other a warm smile then he reached out and pulled me in for a hug.

"Merry Christmas kid." Tyler kissed my head and held me close.

"I'm so happy you're here." I smiled and began to well up.

Right now all I wanted was my parents to be here in this hug but I couldn't have that. I knew I would get upset today but I knew Tyler would feel the exact same.

"I miss them too." Tyler choked out.

"I love you Ty." I looked up at him with tears streaming down my face and noticed that he was crying too.

"I love you too Marls." Ty smiled and wiped my tears away. "Now let's go spend time with our family."

Tyler took my hand and together we walked down stairs and into the dinning room where. Marty and Zayn had laid out a whole selection of breakfasts for us all and everyone was already sitting down and laughing. Tyler went and sat down while I stood back and took a mental picture of all my boys. I wanted to remember this.

"Marley-Rose come on dig in before it's all gone!" Jeremy shouted to me.

I laughed and listened to him and dove in. I could eat just like one of the boys. I went for a bit of everything because I was starving and enjoyed every second of it. After I finished my food I looked around the table at the boys who were still stuffing there faces and I appreciated every one of them. Marty has took me in like one of his own children and here's been there for me when I needed him. Zayn has protected me every second of every day and listened to my endless drama. Jeremy cheered me up and made me laugh on my darkest days. Joseph picked me up and taught me that I was enough. Jake was my best friend and my protector, he showed me a new world and introduced me to my friends which I will always love him for. Matt was special and he reminded me that I am so important to him and I have an impact on his life. Tyler, Tyler and I have had a hard year but he will always mean the world to me. Tyler is my big brother and will always do everything for me. I loved all these boys. They will always love me and always protect me and I was the luckiest girl in the world.

After we all finished eating we helped to clear up which didn't take long as we all worked together then we all went to the living room to open presents. I sat on the floor beside Matt and Tyler. There were so many presents but I knew I knew that I didn't need anything.

"Who wants to go first?" Marty asked.

"Ladies first." Zayn announced then chucked me a present.

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