Chapter 7

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"Chase what the hell are you doing in here?!" I yelled when I head his familiar voice in the shower room, startling me.

"I wanted to talk to you and I just want you to listen."  Chase said.

I turned the water off and slide down the wall.

"Brody!" I screamed. "Brody!"

"Marley stop, Brody won't always come to your back in call." Chase told me.

"Shut up! I don't want to talk to you!" I told him.

"Just let me explain." He pleaded and I stayed silent. "Ally did it to herself. I didn't love her. I was involved with drugs but I didn't get Ally onto them, she found some of mine then she asked my friend for more and more. I didn't like who she was turning into. As for the pregnancy she told me she was on the pill but she wasn't. I didn't find out she was pregnant until after I broke up with her. She didn't care about herself or our baby and that's when she OD'd."

"Marley say something." He begged me.

I didn't know what to say. It didn't sound like it was his fault but there's different sides to every story. I didn't want to be around him.

"Brody!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Marley stop." Chase told me.

"Brody!!!" I yelled even louder.


Brody was here!

"Brody!" I yelled again.

I heard footsteps running towards me and I stood up. I grabbed the towel over the shower and wrapped it around me. I pulled the shower curtain back and saw Brody standing over Chase whose nose was all bloody. Brody must have punched Chase, that was so sweet. Chase has got two punches in two days, he's such a dick anyway.

"Brody." I smiled.

Brody took my hand and dragged me out of the shower. He grabbed my clothes then pulled me out of the changing/showering room and into the hallway. Everyone was in the hallway and I was only in a short towel. Everyone was looking at me especially the boys.

"Brody what are you doing?!" I asked.

He didn't reply. We passed Jake, Sam, Sean, Ryan and Jamie and I held my towel tighter. This was so embarrassing and my towel was so short it barely covered me. I'm going to kill Brody. Even worse, everyone could see my tattoos and some of my scars.

Brody dragged me half way across the school until we reached a boys toilet. He dragged me inside but there was a boy already there.

"Leave." Brody told him.

The boy rushed away, people really were scared of Brody. Finally Brody let me go.

"You dickhead!" I hit his chest. "What am I going to say now when people ask about my scars? Oh I got them playing football?"

"Say you got them in the car crash." He replied

"Brody you just dragged me half way around the school, half naked in front of everyone!" I yelled at him.

"Just get changed Marley." He rubbed head.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid." I cursed under my breath stomping into the cubicle.

I got changed then joined Brody again. I was still mad though so I folded my arms.

"Why was Chase with you?" Brody asked me.

"He wanted to explain." I replied.

"You mean he wanted to change your mind, I'm gonna kill him." Brody got all frustrated and punched the wall.

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