Chapter 51: I am happy

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"One song Marley-Rose!" Matt begged me. "Come on it's Christmas."

We were all sitting in the living room now just relaxing after dinner and the boys were all trying to get me to sing desperately.

"Come on kid Angelo and Sebastian hasn't heard you yet." Tyler encouraged me.

"Fine." I caved. "Matt go grab me a guitar."

Matt quickly jumped to his feet and ran to get a guitar for me. He was back in no time and handed me the guitar. I was sitting on one of the sofas now while everyone was scattered across the room. I wasn't sure what I was going to sing but I wanted it to be good because it was Angelo and Sebastian's first time hearing me.

"The time I thought that we would have, was taken from red to black and I said things I can't take back and I don't know how to live with that. There's a darkness that I've known and it's shaken me to stone. It kills me you might not know, after all... Cause I know I don't let you see but you mean the world to me and I know that I can be pretty mean but you mean the world to me. What the hell is wrong with me? I just sat there and watched you leave. I am not this ice queen and you think I don't feel anything. There's a fear that I've known and it's cut you to the bone and I'm so sorry I've never shown just how much you hold. I know I don't let you see but you mean the world to me and I know that I can be pretty mean but you mean the world to me."

When I finished singing I looked up and immediately made eye contact with Angelo who had tears running down his face and a proud smile. That song was for my boys because they meant the whole world to me.

"That was beautiful." Angelo praised me and all the other boys burst out clapping.

Just then I got a message through on my phone and I dropped my guitar to pick my phone up straight away hoping that it was Brody but it wasn't it was Sam.

'Sorry Marls none of us can make it tonight. Happy Christmas. -Sam'

I didn't understand what was going on. Brody wasn't speaking to me and now none of my friends were coming around. What did I do wrong? I didn't understand why they were all doing this without a reason.

"Hey guys I'm going to head around to Sarah-Jayne's. I'll be back later." Jake announced then got up and left the room.

This wasn't happening. Something was wrong. So I jumped up and followed Jake into the hall and grabbed him before he left.

"Tell me what's going on Jake. Now." I demanded.

"What are you talking about M-R?" Jake sighed.

"Brody isn't talking to me, none of the guys have text me and then Sam texts me saying none of them are coming over but yet you're going to S-J's. I know something is wrong. What did I do?" I asked.

"Marley-Rose you have all your family here you need to spend time with them. We're giving you space." He replied.

"But I want everyone here." I stated.

"They all have families too Marls, let them have time with their own family." Jake told me. "Now I have to go I'll see you later."

Then Jake left while I was still speechless. I didn't understand. Everyone wanted to come around here the other day and now they don't. Maybe I was being selfish and expecting them all to come around when they should be spending the day with their families. I hadn't thought about that... At least I still had everyone else here with me. I had a bad feeling though.

"Marley-Rose can we speak to you for a minute?" Angelo asked as him and Sebastian appeared in the hall.

"Uhm sure." I stuttered still a bit confused.

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