Chapter 40: The Unbearable Truth

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"Wake up beautiful!"

I groaned and opened my eyes because Sam was squealing in my ear. I'm glad I had him back but he sure was loud.

"Come on we're spending the day together!" Sam exclaimed.

"Sammy I can't. I'm going with Brody to get my clothes and some stuff from my brothers." I yawned stretching.

"Marley!" Sam moaned. "Well can we hang out tonight?"

"Of course Sammy." I smiled. "Now I need to get changed."

"Aw ok." Sam put his head down and started walking towards the door and I now felt sorry for him.

"Hey Sam." I called him back as I stood up. "Wanna see my new tat?"

Sam ran over to me as I lifted my top up revealing my tattoo I was in love with.

"Can I touch it?" He asked.

"Sure." I laughed.

Then Sam gently put his hand on my side rubbing my tattoo.

"It's perfect." He smiled. "Just like you."

I blushed then gave Sam a hug before kicking him out to I got ready. I jumped into the shower and washed my hair then quickly dried it after I got out then curled it. I threw on a pair of white skinny jeans and a red crop top of Sarah-Jaynes and some red vans. I grabbed my phone and bag before leaving my bedroom.

Downstairs I grabbed a jacket because it was cold then walked into the kitchen where the whole family was.

"Morning." Marty smiled at me.

I'm guessing Jake hasn't told him about the incident with the man claiming to be my father yesterday. I don't want too many people knowing until I find out the truth.

"Where you off too?" Matt asked me.

"Tyler's." I sighed. "I need to pick up a few things."

"Be careful Marls." Zayn told me.

"I will." I nodded. "I'll see you all later."

They all waved goodbye to me then I left the kitchen and walked towards the front door when Jake stopped me.

"Marley we need to talk about that man." Jake told me.

"Jake I don't know what all there is to say." I sighed. "He thinks he's my father, I don't. I'm not worrying"

That was my first lie of the day.

"Marley you should be worrying. He's a big problem. He came by the house this morning and I had to lie and tell my dad it was Sarah-Jaynes uncle looking for her. I know you might not want to hear it but what if he is your dad?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I brushed him off then ran out of the house.

I know I'm running anyway from my problems but it's only because I didn't know how to face a problem this big. This could change my whole life. All I could do was run away from it.

Brody met me at the porch and I straight away grabbed his arm and pulled him towards his car. I need out of here.

"You ok?"Brody asked me while we both hopped into the car.


And that was my second lie of the day.

"You're not fine." Brody sighed knowing me too well. "Is this about Angelo?"

"What if he is my dad? That means my mom had an affair, that means my dad wasn't my dad, that my whole life was a lie." I stuttered.

"Marley you are who you are because of Max and Jenna not this Angelo person. Max will always be you're dad." Brody comforted me.

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