Chapter 11

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"We should just keep it quiet for a while." I told Brody holding his hand while he drove back to mine.

I was so happy now, Brody loved me back, I actually can't express how happy I am. Now I don't need an excuse to kiss him like his saving my life in paintball.

"Yeah you're right baby." Brody smiled at me.

"Some people might not approve, like Jake." I said.

"Or Sam." Brody added.

"Or Joseph." I added.

"Or Zayn." He added.

"Actually." I dragged off. "I kind of told Zayn that I liked you and he was happy about it."

"Really? I thought he would be the hardest to get approval from." Brody laughed. "So Marley, I want you to come to mine tomorrow for Sunday dinner to meet my parents, as a friend."

"I'd love that." I smiled at Brody.

We came to my house and Brody stopped the car. We both got out and walked towards the front door but Brody stopped me before we walked in. He cupped my face and kissed me gently. I kissed him back then we let go of each others hands and walked into the house.

"There they are!" Matt told everyone.

Brody and I walked into the kitchen were there was a Chinese waiting for us. The smell filled the house and I licked my lips.

"Family night Marl, grab a plate, dig in then move your backside into the living to watch a movie." Jeremy said.

Brody and I got our food then everyone moved into the living room. I was going to sit beside Brody but Sam and Ryan grabbed my hands and pulled me down in the middle of then on the three seater.

"What movie?" Matt asked.

"The lion king!" I replied without a doubt.

Matt grabbed the DVD then put it on and we all sat and watched it. Just in the opening scene the door bell rung.

"That'll be Drake." Zayn said getting up.

Drake as in Drake Morgan. I looked at Brody and saw he was thinking the same thing. Then Drake and Zayn came into the living room.

"What's he doing here?" I asked Zayn.

"Oh Drake's my best mate, has been since we were little." Zayn told me.

I scrunched my nose and Drake winked at me. Then the doorbell rung again. Jake jumped up this time to answer the door. Then Jake walked back in with Lucy.

"Kill me now!" I cursed under my breath and Sam and Ryan laughed.

"Why is she here?" Brody asked jake.

"She's my girlfriend." Was all Jake said.

I looked at Lucy, she had a shiner! I give her a black eye which she tried covering with make-up but didn't do that good a job.

"Nice eye." Sarah-Jayne laughed.

"Shut up dwarf." Lucy snapped at Sarah-Jayne.

"Hey!" Jamie spoke up. "Watch what you say to my girlfriend."

"Troll girl got a boyfriend, ugh!" Lucy snarled.

"Shut up Barbie, if your gonna stay, you shut your mouth and don't talk to us!" I told her.

"Well said." Drake smirked.

"That goes for you too!" I snapped at Drake. "Now can we just watch my favourite movie in peace?!"

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