Chapter 42: You Never Really Can Fix A Heart

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Ring ring ring Ring

I rolled my eyes when my phone rang and threw it aside for the fifth time already this morning. It was Angelo. I told him that I would tell my family today but I'm so worried.

"Who are you ignoring?" Brody asked as he jumped onto my balcony from his and made his way into my room.

"Angelo."I sighed. "I know I have to tell the others about him but I don't know how to."

"So I'm guessing last night went good?" Brody sighed.

I nodded. "They're really good people Brody."

"Marls, your family loved Max." Brody reminded me.

"He'll always be my dad Brody but can't Angelo be in my life? Ryan has two dads, his real one and his step one and he loves them both." I shrugged.

"But Marley-Rose, Max isn't here anymore. They can't both be in your life, only Angelo can. I just don't think it's a good idea to rush into being a family with him." Brody told me the truth.

"I don't plan on doing that Brody but they are my family and they didn't do anything wrong." I defended them.

"Angelo slept with a married women." Brody sighed.

He didn't like Angelo. He would never accept him but I have to give him chance and I have to make sure the others do as well.

So I existed the room and Brody followed behind me. On my way through the house I pulled the boys out of their rooms and dragged them downstairs. I had already text my friends to come over as well and they were waiting in the living room with Jake. I pushed the rest of the boys into the living room and grabbed Marty as well. They all looked around the pack room cautious as to what was happened.

"Marls what's going on?" Sarah-Jayne asked me.

"I have to tell you all something." I sighed. "A few days ago a man showed up at the front door and he...well he claimed to be my father."

"What a creep." Jeremy laughed.

"He is." I quickly said like ripping off a band aid then continued before anyone could interrupt. "His name is Angelo Monét, he's french Italian and he really is my father."

"Marley uncle Max is your dad." Zayn sighed standing up. "This man is lying."

"Zayn he's not." I sighed. "And he has a son, I have another older brother, Sebastian."

"This is ridiculous." Joseph sighed.

"Marls I don't understand, did aunt Jenna have an affair?" Matt asked me.

"My parents were on a break or something, trying to work some things out. She went to France and fell in love. When she found out she was pregnant she knew she had to leave to give me a good life." I explained.

"So you have a dad?" Sam asked me and I nodded. "That's great Marley-Rose!"

Sam came over to me and hugged me so far being the only one to understand. I was glad I had him.

"So now you just forget about uncle Max?" Joseph asked me abruptly.

"Joe that's not fair." Jake sighed. "Just listen to her."

"He's a good man." I spoke up. "He's not Max but I do want him in my life and Sebastian too."

"Marley I'm sorry but I don't believe this." Zayn sighed.

"It's true." Marty sighed finally saying something and he stood up in the process. "Marley-Rose's father isn't Max, it is Angelo."

Marty agreed as if he knew something then it hit me.... He did know. He always knew.

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