Chapter 46: Dreaming with a broken heart

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"Ms Rosà." I was gently awoken and opened my eyes to see a middle aged maid shadowing my bed which caused me to jump up because I didn't know who she was.

"Who are you?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Ms Rosà we don't have time this morning. Your father wants you down stairs for breakfast because you leave soon." She explained in in a strong french accent.

I looked around me and saw I was in a completely different room than my own. I know my own room was big but this one was a room fit for a queen. I saw an open balcony and outside the most beautiful scenery, but this wasn't home. My first thought was the boys were playing a joke on me. My second thought was maybe I was kidnapped again. I didn't know which one go believe so I did the only thing I could and I bolted it. 

I ran out of the elegant room and found myself amongst hallways upon hallways of an unknown places. I didn't take the time to stop and think, I just ran and ran. I eventually found my way down the stairs and ran through a room where I heard my name being yelled but I ignored it and ran straight outside.

When I got outside I stopped.... There was nowhere else to run, there didn't look to be another house for miles. Where was I? What was happening? For some odd reason though I didn't feel scared, I feel like I knew this place. 

Then I heard someone run up behind me and I jumped round to see Angelo. What was he doing here? Was I with him? That would mean this is his house and it would also mean I'm in France!

"Rosà what's wrong with you?" Angelo asked me worried then he broke into a smile. "Come on back inside darling."

I didn't know what to say or do. I couldn't run and I didn't even know where I was but I just went with it. I followed Angelo back into the beautiful house and he led me into the kitchen area where Sebastian was along with some house staff.

Now, more confused that ever I sat down at the table with Angelo and Sebastian to a feed of food.

"Rosà why were you running? I've never seen you run before in your life." Sebastian laughed over a piece of toast.

"I always run..." I stuttered.

"Yeah and I fly." Sebastian said sarcastically.

"Where am I?" I asked finally.

"Uh in the kitchen." Sebastian replied.

"Rosà what's wrong with you?" Angelo asked me.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" I asked looking all around me.

"It's your name." Angelo replied.

"No it's not." I shook my head.

"Well we all thought 'Marley-Rose' was just a bit of a mouthful so we shortened it to Rosà, it was your idea, we've been calling you it since you were six." Angelo filled me in.

Since I was six? Has Angelo really been in my life that long...

"I'm in France." I stated.

"And have been for seventeen years, seriously Rosà you're acting so weird." Sebastian told me.

So I grew up in France. Then I suddenly realised what was happening. I had been wondering what my life would be like if I grew up with Angelo and now I'm finding out.  I had to go along with this out of curiosity. This could have been my life.

"You two should go get ready, we're leaving for Grams and Gramps' in fifteen minutes." Angelo told me and Sebastian.

So together Sebastian and left the table and went to go back to our rooms but I stopped him.

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