Chapter 27: Goodbye

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"That's the last bag." Tyler told me standing in the door way of my room. "JC's in the car, I'll go down to him and wait for you to finish your goodbyes."

"Fine." I said blankly.

"You're doing the right thing M-R." Tyler told me. "I'll send them up to you to say goodbye."

Then Tyler left my doorway and went down the stairs. I was emotionless sitting in my bed, staring out the window into Brody's room. I knew Brody was in his room but he closed his blinds and he never closes his blinds. I was so crushed, devastated, Brody had broke me and I didn't even know how I felt about it. I didn't know if I was angry or upset. My emotions were all over the place but I was leaving anyway, Brody clearly didn't want me here...

I heard a knock on my door and the first person I had to say goodbye entered my room and sat down beside me. Zayn. Zayn took my hand and I immediately started crying, how was I going to get through saying goodbye to everyone.

"We'll always be family Zayn, I'll always be your baby cousin." I cried.

"No you won't." Zayn put his arms around me. "You're my sister Marls and you'll always be. I hate this. You're supposed to be with us. It's not fair, we can still fight for you-"

"Zayn stop." I cut him off. "I know you mean well and I know you love me and I love you too but I need to go."

"It's just the boys will miss you." He rubbed his eyes, trying to be strong. "I'll miss you."

"Zayn." I cried and hugged my older cousin. "You look after your brothers for me and my boys and Sarah-Jayne."

"I promise I will." Zayn wiped his tears away and stood up from the bed. "Ok I'll let the others come and have their crying session with you. I love you Marley-Rose."

"Love you more Zayn." I smiled as he left the room.

As soon as he left, Jeremy and Joseph walked in. They ran over to me and hugged me, both them attacking me, they were already upset.

"We don't know what to say." Joseph started of as we both sat back down.

"That's a change." I laughed light heartily.

"The house will defiantly be quieter." Jeremy sighed.

"What will we do without you?" Joseph asked me.

"Yeah you've looked after us when dad's been away." Jeremy said.

"He's coming back soon." I shrugged

"It won't be the same Marls." Jeremy told me. "We need you. I don't want our family falling apart."

"Jeremy don't say that, everything will be ok I promise, you're not losing me, and guys nothing will change." I told my cousins.

"You'll be missed trouble-maker." Joseph said and hugged me again.

"We love you Marley-Rose." Jeremy hugged me.

"I love you guys too." I sighed.

Then they both left. I was interested in who would come in next, I expected Matt but instead Sean walked in. My wee Sean....

"Sean." I stuttered then burst into hysteric tears.

"Hey Marley come on, you're too pretty to be breaking your heart." Sean comforted me putting his arms around me.

"I'll miss you Sean." I looked up at on dog my best friends.

"I'll miss you too baby." Sean smiled with tears in his eyes. "Do you want to know a secret. I used to have a big big crush on you."

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