Chapter 41: Peace of Mind

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"Please say something Marley-Rose."Brody begged me as he drove us home.

I couldn't.....


When Brody pulled up his car by the house we saw that Angelo was there yet again and Jake was arguing with him on the porch. When I saw Angelo it hit me the man, this stranger was my biological father. I'm his daughter and I know nothing about him.

Brody and I jumped out of the car and I made my way to the porch. They both stopped fighting when they saw me.

I just pushed past them and ran into the house. I couldn't look at Angelo. I couldn't face reality just yet. I just wanted to close my eyes and be with my parents. I ran up to my room and fell onto the bed shutting my eyes tightly.


"Does she hate me?" I sighed looking up at my dad who had a saddened expression on his face. It was just after they discovered I was suicidal. They were both taking it hard but my mom couldn't even look at me.

"No baby girl." Dad sighed putting his arm around me.

"Do you?" I asked him.

"No! Never think that Marley-Rose. You are my daughter and I love you with every part of me. I could never hate you." My dad kissed my forehead. "You're sick honey,  we'll get you help and we'll be with you every step off the way."

"I love you daddy." I cried into his chest.

"I love you too sweetie." He sighed kissing my head.

*****End of flashback*****

"Just let me see her! She's my daughter!"

Angelo was still here... and by the sounds of it he was making a scene. I had to sort this out now.

I got up off the bed and marched back downstairs and out to the front porch where Jake Brody and Angelo where. I looked at Angelo and for the first time I saw him as my father. I had his eyes....

"Jake. Brody. Go inside." I ordered. "Please I need to talk to him."

Jake and Brody went in side warily. I know they didn't want to leave me but this was between Angelo and myself.

"You can't come around here anymore." I told Angelo strictly. "I have a life and you can't come in and turn it upside down."

"Marley-Rose please if you would just let me explain." Angelo explained. "You have to believe I'm your father."

"I do." I told him. "I know you're my biological father but you will never be my real dad. I don't know why you're here. I'm seventeen, you're too late."

"I tried finding you Marley-Rose, I really did but I was broke.  I wanted to be a good dad so I worked to build an empire for you." Angelo pleaded.

"I didn't need money. I needed a father and I had one, I had the best father in the world and just because he's not here anymore doesn't mean you can try take his place." I told him.

"I don't want to replace Max, I just want to be apart of your life." Angelo begged.

"Where were you when I was raped! When I was suicidal, sick, when I was kidnapped, when my parents died where were you?!" I cried.

"I didn't know about any of that." Angelo sighed as he found out everything I had been through and a look of regret and sadness drained his face.

"How could you?" I sighed wiping away my tears. "You're not my dad."

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