Chapter 25: hope?

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I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, that's all I had been doing the whole time I've been here, it's been almost three weeks now...... Mason feeds me and gives me clothes and lets me take baths but he needs to understand I will never love him. These last three weeks have been so painful. Mason has got back to his old ways, abusing me, sexually and physically and now I'm broken. I never imagined this would happen again, I was strong but he made me weak. I hated myself for what he was doing to me.

I knew one way out....but it may cost me my life. I needed out though and I was willing to take the risk to see my family and friends and Brody....

I stood up and walked over to the mirror wall. I titled my head looking at the sick looking young girl who was my reflection. My skin was dead pale and my hair was lifeless, I was lifeless... I lifted my fist and slammed it full blast into the glass. The glass shattered to pieces. My knuckles were cut and slashed but I still picked up the broken glass. I looked down at my scarred wrist and arms... I know what I would have done a few months ago, I would have cut myself but that's not my purpose and I'm not that girl anymore. I was going to hurt myself but not scarring my wrist. I took the glass with both hands then plunged it into my stomach. I screened out in excruciating pain and fell to the ground.



"So how's your assignment going for Mrs Aldrin's English on expressing feeling towards the opposite sex?" Sarah-Jayne asked me as we walked to school together.

"I'm not doing it." I replied. "When Marley-Rose and I were given that task we both decided to write about each other, she never heard what I wrote about her but I heard her first piece about me. It was beautiful. Over the weeks we've been working on it, I thought my work was going good but I can't do it now.... I backed out of the task."

My baby had been missing for three weeks and there was no sign of here. I feel so guilty, it's all my fault, I should never have left her. The only people getting me through this are Sarah-Jayne and Nelana. All my other friends are just as broken as me, so is Sarah-Jayne but we feel comfort with each other. Having Nelana back relaxes me, she didn't know Marley-Rose so everyone of our conversations aren't about her. I needed these two women to get me through this awful time.

"I've been thinking a lot S-J, about when Marley-Rose gets back but you can't tell the others yet." I told her.

"Yes?" Sarah-Jayne encouraged me.

"I'm making her go with her brother." I sighed.

"You're going to let her leave us?!" Sarah-Jayne asked crushed.

"It's for the best Sarah-Jayne, she'll be safe with Tyler, she should of went with them in the first place." I turned away.

"You are so stupid!" Sarah-Jayne yelled and I looked at her, this was the first I've ever really seen her angry. "How can you even say that?! Marley-Rose is the best thing to ever happened you Brody Morgan!"

By now we had drawn the attention of our gang that came over to us now.

"Sarah-Jayne I love her! But loving her means I have to let her go..." I sighed.

"You're a coward." Sarah-Jayne now got upset and I didn't like seeing her like this. "What you're thinking about doing isn't right, it's so wrong! You might be ready to let her go but I'm not."

Then, whilst crying Sarah-Jayne ran away. I knew even though she was angry she wouldn't tell the others what my plan was, she was trustful even when she hated me. Since the others didn't hear the whole conversation they were left quite confused. Jake ran after Sarah-Jayne and I'm glad he did, she needed him. And now I needed to be alone.

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