Chapter 39: The Letter That Changed Everything

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"I'm sorry but you have the wrong girl Mr" I shook my head rejecting the theory he presented of me being his daughter.

"You are are my daughter! You are Marley-Rose Maria Angela May Sarah-Jayne Monèt!" He argued with so much passion.

"No I'm not!" I exclaimed even though I was shocked at how he knew all my names.

"Jenna was your mother but I am your father." The man argued with me then he shoved a letter into my hand. "Take this, please!"

I tried to slam the door on him but he held it open scaring me.

"Please don't be scared I just want to talk." He begged. I had dealt with crazy people before but no one claiming to be my father.

"Jake!" I screamed backing away from the door. "Jake!"

Next thing I knew Jake and Brody came running out to me.

"Marley-Rose what's wrong?!" Jake asked me in a panic.

"The man, get him away!" I exclaimed backing into the corner.

Jake didn't even question the man he just pushed him back and slammed the door. Angelo continued to bang on the door and I slid down the wall and held my legs to my chest trying to process what had just happened.

"Marley who was he?" Jake asked me.

"He said he was my father....." I announced the words getting caught in my throat.

There was no way he could be my father. My dad was Max Summers. He raised me he's my father. This man Angelo was no one. I looked down at the letter he gave me that had my name on it. The thing was, it was written in my mothers handwriting. How did he have this?

"Marley-Rose he's crazy. He's not your dad. Uncle max was." Jake tried to convince me.

I wasn't listening to him though I just wanted to know what was in the letter.... so I jumped up then ran away from the boys and upstairs to my room where I locked myself in and fell onto the bed. My whole life could change with what's in this letter but I had to open it.

So that's exactly what I did. I tear the letter open and unfolded it then began to read through it.


I am deeply sorry for leaving without telling you but trust that I had to. The past few months with you have been amazing but I have fallen pregnant Angelo. Yes the baby is yours but that doesn't mean they can be raised as yours. I have to take the baby home where they will have the best possible life. She/he has to be raised as Max's daughter. I know you won't understand but Tyler is at home. We can be a family, myself, Max, Tyler and the new baby. I am under so much pressure and I'm just trying to do the right thing. I miss my Tyler and my family and I miss Max. I'm so sorry but I'm doing this for my child. My child just can't be raised in France. I hope one day you will understand. I will always love you Angelo but it's time for me to be a mother again.

Yours always, Jenna x


This letter was as real as I am. I recognise my mothers handwriting. This could be real.....

I sat shocked as time went by until I heard my phone ringing bringing me out of my trance. I looked down at it and saw it was Sam ringing so I answered it.

"Marley-Rose." Sam cried down the phone. "I miss you."

"Sam are you drunk?" I sighed.

"No."He hiccuped clearly bladdered.

"Where are you?" I sighed.

"Ravens bar." He cried again. "I need to see you."

"I'm coming." I sighed then hung up.

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