Chapter 26: Heartbreak

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Brody. It won't be long until I see Brody. Brody. Brody. Brody. Brody. Brody. Brody.


"Marley-Rose!" I was shook awake by my friend, nurse and saviour Peter. "You drifted off there, you were saying that boys name again, Brody."

Brody. Even the sound of his name made me smile.

"Are they here?" I asked Peter.

"Why do you think I woke you." He smirked.

I was stronger than ever now, after spending a few days in hospital. I convinced Peter and he contacted the police. They got Mason, Peter could have lost his job but he took the risk for me. Now Mason was out of my life for the foreseeable future. I only wanted to see Brody though and my family and friends....

"Bring them in" I smiled from ear to ear getting out of the bed.

"Just take it easy and one person in the room at a time." Peter told me and I smirked because I knew there would be more than one person in here, he obviously didn't know my friends.

I straightened up and prepared myself for what was coming. I hadn't seem the people I love in weeks. I hadn't seen Brody in weeks.

Peter slowly opened the door and was almost knocked down by the stampede that was my loved ones. I smiled widely and began to cry as Sarah-Jayne, Sam, Jake, Ryan, Jamie, Sean, Zayn, Jeremy, Joseph, Matt, Drake, Tyler and JC ran into the room but no Brody.... I was attacked in a hug by Sarah-Jayne first then everyone jumped on top of me. I tried to hug them all. The tears just kept on coming and it wasn't just from me, everyone was now crying. I had them pack. I missed them all so much....

"Marley-Rose, one person at a time in the room." Peter reminded me and I have him puppy dog eyes and he sighed, giving in. "Ten minutes and then only one in at a time."

Then Peter left. I was still so happy and amazed to see everyone but they were all crying and looked so sleep reprieved, which is probably because of me.

"How are you feeling?" Tyler asked me. It was so good seeing my big brother again.

"Where's Brody?" I ignored his question and asked my own.

"In the waiting room. He wanted to let you have time with us first." Jake sighed.

"Why?" I asked but no one answered me.

I pushed through them all and left my room to go to the waiting room. From around the corner I saw Brody with his head in his hands. My perfect Brody.... The boy I loved. This probably effected him the most. I just wanted to be back in his arms again and forget this ever happened...

"Brody." I smiled, letting the tears flow freely.

Brody looked up at me and his tear filled eyes caught mine. He stood up as I ran and jumped into his arms. Brody caught me and held me tighter and closer than he has ever did before. I was his completely. I felt so safe in his arms, Brody could protect me from anybody....

"I love you Brody Morgan." I cried into his shoulder as he still held me.

"I love you Marley-Rose Summers." Brody told me right back.

"Promise you'll never let me go." I cried even harder.

"I promise baby, I promise." Brody told me.

"I was so scared Brody." The tears just came flowing.

Brody took my hand and let me sit on his knee as he sat back down and cradled me.

"Marley I have to tell you something....." Brody sighed. "I love you, so so much, more than I've every loved anybody. You're a part of me Marley-Rose. You broke the bad side of me and made me good. I will always love you, but I have to let you go."

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