Chapter 24: Missing Her

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"Wake up."

"Wake up!"

My eyes flew open when a large boot collided with my side and I cried out I pain. I looked up and saw a man dressed in dark. My kidnapper.... I was in pain, so much of it. I couldn't remember what happened, I remember darkness in the chapel when I was caught but nothing more like where we are. My kidnapper bent down to me but kept his face covered.

"Morning sleeping beauty, I thought you were never going to wake up, it's been three days." My kidnapper said calmly.

I straightened up and saw I was chained to a large pipe going up the wall. I scrambled on the ground, not being able to move very far. I was in a room where every one of the walls were mirrors, all I could see was myself and my kidnapper. Who would want to kidnap me? This wasn't happening, everything was just going so good.

"Where am I?" I coughed up.

"Somewhere safe baby." My kidnapper told me then he took down his hood.

Now I came face to face with my kidnapper. Mason! My mind went completely blank and I curled up in fear. Mason kidnapped me! He always scared me but this is too far! What if he hurts me, he has it in him, he's a monster. Why is he so obsessed with me.

"Mason! What do you want from me?!" I squealed.

"Marley-Rose I love you." Mason smiled.

"Mason you have to let me go." I pleaded.

"Marley don't you get it." Mason invaded my space getting scarily close to me. "I did this for us, now we can be together."

"You're crazy! I have Brody, you have a fiancé." I argued.

"I lied about Cheryl." Mason sighed.

"You even gave her a fake name. You're sick." I looked away from Mason.

"Marley you will love me." Mason grabbed me. "Even if I have to keep you here forever!"

Mason got up and rushed out of the room locking it behind him.

"Mason! Let me go!" I screamed. "Brody!"

I curled into a ball again and continued to cry out Brody's name. I needed Brody.


********brody's POV*******


"She's been missing for 10 days!" Zayn yelled at police officer.

"We're doing our best Sir." The cop told Zayn.

"Your best obviously isn't good enough! My baby cousin is somewhere out there alone with a maniac, for all we know she could be dead-"

Zayn broke down now crying. Everyone was crying. We were all here, me, Zayn, Joseph, Jeremy, Matt, Jake, Sam, Sarah-Jayne, Jamie, Sean and Jamie, Drake and even Tyler and JC. The only one still not here was Marty. We were all here for one reason. Someone had kidnapped my Marley. The one person that brought light to all our lives, the girl I promised to marry, she was gone. I blamed myself, I should have just kept here and now she's been missing for 10 very painful days. I try to keep fighting but I'm breaking. I miss my baby so much.

"She can't. She can't die." Sarah-Jayne cried. She was an emotional wreck like all of us and it was Jake, not Jamie who put his arms around her and she cried into Jake, seeking in him for comfort.

"We'll keep you updated." The cop said then left the house.

When the cop was gone Tyler spun around and punched the wall. Usually that would been me acting out, but I couldn't even do that, I was frozen, I just wanted to cry and I don't care if that made me seem weak, I was falling a part.

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