Chapter 8

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"Brody you don't have to come in with me." I told Brody as we stood outside Daniels practise.

"I want to." He smiled at me.

"Just letting you know Danny can be a bit...inquisitive sometimes." I told him

"Just ring the door bell" Brody laughed.

I didn't ring the door bell, Danny and I were past that point. I walked on into his practise and on into his office but there was already a boy there. He was about my age, maybe a few years older, he was good-looking, like seriously good-looking. He had light brown hair, almost blonde and looked a lot like Justin Bieber.

"Sorry Danny, I didn't know you were with someone."   I said awkwardly.

"It's okay, we're just finishing up. Come on in." Danny said and me and Brody walked further into the room. "Kol this is Marley-Rose, another client of mine and friend, Marley-Rose this is Kol."

"Hey." I smiled.

"What's up." He nodded.

"You know, wrecking my hand, getting shouted at by my doctor and getting my head looked at by Danny here, you know, the usual." I said sarcastically and he laughed.

"Who's your friend?" Danny asked me.

"Oh yeah this is Brody, he's my cousins best friend." I told them.

"Good, so your single?" Kol asked me and I nodded. "Good."

"She's not allowed to date boys." Brody said putting his arm around me protectively.

"Anyway, how did you two hurt your hands?" Danny asked me and Brody.

"Long story ." I replied rolling my eyes.

"All which we can talk about in our appointment, Kol I'll see you next week." Danny said.

"See you Danny." Kol said getting up then turned to me. "It was lovely meeting you, I hope to see you again."

Then he kissed my hand and left. I watched as he left and kept my eyes on the closing door then looked back at Danny.

"Is he new?" I asked.

"No, he used to be one of my monday appointments but he had to change because he does swim practise now on a Monday." Danny told me.

"He swims?" I asked him

"Professionally, he's hoping to compete in the Olympics actually." Danny told me.

I dropped my smile. I wanted to compete in the Olympics before I got ill, that was my only dream and now they won't let me. I used to practise day and night 24/7 and now I can't at all.

"I wish I could compete in the Olympics." I sighed, sitting down.

"I know you do." Danny smiled at me.

"What's wrong with him anyway?" I asked Danny.

"I shouldn't be telling you this but he suffers from depression too, his parents gave him up for adoption very young. He also has panic attacks." Danny told me.

"Oh." I said

"So is your friend all right listening in?" Danny asked, looking at Brody.

"Yeah Brody knows everything." I told him as Brody sat down beside me.

"Oh so what happened with Doctor Fell?" Danny asked me.

"Cause I lost 4lbs since last week." I said and Danny sighed. "I didn't make myself lose weight Danny! I lied to the Doc though, he asked me have I been running and I said no."

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