Chapter 15

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"Babe wake up."

I yawned and woke up to see Brody over me.

"What?" I yawned.

"You have a date now." Brody rolled his eyes.

"Shit." I moaned then rolled over and fell on the floor. "Ow!"

Brody laughed at me then lifted me up.

"You've five minutes to get ready babe." Brody told me. "How is it that my brother gets to take you out on a proper date before I do."

"You've already got me Brody, you don't need to take me in date to impress me." I told him.

I changed in front of Brody into a black red skin tight bodycon dress and black heels. I put my hair down, it just so happened to stay perfectly wavy. And that was me done, one minute and I was dressed for my stupid date with Drake.

"You look beautiful, Drake shouldn't get this." Brody sighed.

I felt sorry for Brody, he felt really insecure when he had to live up to Drake who took all of Brody's girls, well he wasn't taking me.

"I only care about you Brody." I tried to remind him.

"Yeah." He sighed.

There was a knock on the door downstairs and Brody and I looked at each other knowing it was Drake.

"You should go." Brody sighed.

I moved closer to Brody and kissed him.

"He can't wait." I smirked and continued kissed Brody.

Brody laughed and kissed me back with just as much passion. He licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth for him, laughing. He put his arms around my waist and I put mine on the back of his hand pulling him closer to me. Now I had forgotten all about my problems earlier in Brody's company.

"Marley!" Someone yelled up to us.

"I don't want to go!" I cried into Brody's chest as he cradled me.

"I know babe but it's only one time." Brody smiled down at me.

"Ok." I smiled up at him.

He kissed me then opened the door for us. We walked down the stairs and into the living room where my cousins and Drake were. Drake actually looked decent but Brody was the only one on my mind.

"Wow, you look sexy." Drake remarked.

See, Brody would say I looked beautiful but Drake has to say sexy. He made me sick.

"Dude, be nice to her." Zayn scolded his friend.

"I will, let's go babe." Drake said putting an arm around me, right in front of Brody.

I pushed his arm off and rolled my eyes. Together we walked outside and over to his car. He opened the door for me then joined me and started driving. I looked out the mirror as Brody's figure got smaller and smaller as we got further and further away.

"Forget about him, for one night." Drake told me.

"I can't forget about the person I love." I snapped at him.

I shifted in the seat, realising I was sitting on something the I pulled out a girls bra.

"Eww Drake." I cringed and threw the bra at him.

"What?" He laughed. "If it helps she was only a C, but you're full on double D's."

Drake smirked at me and I laughed then he laughed too. He actually made me laugh.

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