Chapter 18: Tell Me A Lie..

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"At least he's coming." I shrugged sitting in my History seat. "Sam sit beside me."

Sam sat beside me then I saw Brody come into the room with Jake and Sean. He didn't even look at me as he sat across the room from me. I noticed he got his cast off like I did. I got mine off earlier this morning thank god. I wouldn't want my cast getting the way of our trip.

"It's been three days, you guys need to talk, we leave tonight to go to yours." Sam said.

Then the teacher walked in but he wasn't our normal history teacher.

"Mr Channing is sick." He told us. "Talk among yourselves."

"I'll talk to him before we go." I sighed.

"He's bringing his new girlfriend cause you said we could, I don't even know who she is." Sam told me.

Brody has a new girlfriend, already? He didn't take long getting over me. I didn't like it, I was kind of jealous.

"He's allowed to." I shrugged.

"So are any of your cousins going?" Sam asked me.

"Just Jake, but Zayn invited Drake to go, to look after us or something like that." I replied.

I was glad Drake was going, it would give me time to figure out how I felt about him. Zayn had to stay to take care of my court case because Mark couldn't get home so he had to be my lawyer. I wasn't thinking about the court case.

"Well I'm excited, so how big exactly is your house?" He asked me.

"16 bedrooms, 12 bathrooms, 4garages, a pool (indoor and out), 3 kitchens, two bars, four game rooms, a cinema, two family rooms, three living rooms, two sitting rooms, five dress rooms, two libraries, three offices, three dinning rooms and a couple of rooms we just use for storage." I told him.

"I thought Jake and Brody's houses were big." Sam laughed.

"That was just our living house, we have a few other houses, holiday houses and all." I shrugged. "Unless my so called 'family' have took them over too. I swear going to kill them."

"Are they allowed to just take what's yours?" Sam asked me.

"No they're not. I'm still under eighteen so technically my assets can be frozen until I am eighteen but then they would have been in my brothers possession not theirs and I would have got notice about it so they all still belong to me." I told him. "I'll be taking care of a lot of business when I get up there but I want the rest if use to fun."

"We can't have fun without you M." Sam smiled.

"Sam we'll have plenty of time to have fun together." I smiled back at him. "I just can't wait to school finishes so I can get home and pack, you're riding in my car yeah?"

"Course." He smiled. "There's only fifteen minutes to the final bell."

*****fifteen minutes after*****


"Let's go!" I jumped up and grabbed Sam's hand then pulled him out me the classroom.

I pushed through everyone and out to the car park, dragging Sam with me. When I got to my car I let go of Sam and jumped into his arms. He lifted me up and spun me around in the air while I laughed then he set me down again as the other guys joined us.

"Ok everyone meet me in one hour at the house." I told them then got into my car.

I drove back to the house then ran upstairs to pack. I didn't have much to pack as I had did it all a few days ago. I just filled my medication bag and added it in my case with some letters like my parents will.

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