Chapter 44: How the Lost get Found

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"Uhm Marley? Brody?"

I jumped awake when I heard someone speak my name and saw Jake looming over me. When I jolted up pain rushed through my muscles. Then I realised that I had fell asleep on the couch last night.....on top of Brody. I realised we were in a very awkward position as I was in between in his legs and he had his arms around me. To Jake this could have looked bad. I didn't plan for this to happen though,  we just fell asleep. There was no denying I always slept better when I was with him.

"Brody." I pushed Brody off me and he woke up then came to the same realisation as me.

"This isn't what it looks like man." Brody told Jake. "We were just watching the lion king and we fell asleep."

"Mmhmm." He sounded sarcastically. "If you two are done with whatever you were doing then you should go get ready. We're leaving for the chapel in half an hour."

"Ok." I nodded then jumped up and ran out of the room awkwardly trying to avoid any more tension.

I bolted upstairs and into my room where I jumped into the shower and quickly did my hair. Then I threw on a plaid skirt, a cream jumper, black tights, brown ankle boots and after curling my hair I added a cream beanie. I finished getting ready just in time and I joined Jake and Brody downstairs. Brody was also ready and it looked like I was interrupting on a conversation they were having.

"Everything Ok?" I asked curiously.

"Yep. Let's go." Jake smiled then walked towards the door.

But everything didn't look okay with Brody. Brody and I followed Jake anyway, outside into the cold winter air. The Chapel wasn't far so the three of us just walked it.

"I'm actually looking forward to this today." Jake told me.

"Good. I used to do this all the time with my dad, I mean Max." I remembered.

"Marls you can still call him dad around us. He was your dad." Jake told me and I nodded.

When we arrived at the chapel we noticed we were the last ones there, everyone was there before us even Lucy. There was also a good few other people who joined the project.

"Thank you all for coming today" Father Peterson spoke. "We are very grateful for all your help. So the way this will work is you will partner up and get a few packages each to deliver. Don't be afraid of these people,  they are just like us, just less fortunate. Now everyone on the buses."

We all followed the fathers instructions and got in the buses. I sat beside Brody.

"You're being my partner." I demanded and he laughed.

"Do I get a say?" He asked.

"No." I laughed. "So this morning?"

"Let's not talk about this right now Marls." Brody looked away and I thought I had done something wrong until I saw him looking at Jake and Jake was staring at us.

I nodded and stayed quiet the rest of the journey. We didn't have far to travel and when we got off we all took our packages we were going to give out then we split up. Once Brody and I were far enough away and on our own I immediately tried to get him to talk.

"What's wrong?  Why were you being weird around Jake?" I asked him.

"Look I know all you want is to be friends and that last night and this morning was just harmless but Jake doesn't know that. He thinks we've been really close lately so he decided to have the protective big brother talk with me."

"Tell me everything." I sighed.

******Brody's flashback******

"What the hell was that earlier?" Jake attacked me when I re-entered the Callaghan house now cleaned and dressed.

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