Chapter 6

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"Wakie wakie."

I turned over on my side and turned the music on my earphones up louder. I was just about to get back to sleep when my earphones were pulled out.

"Hey!" I jumped up and saw Brody smirking over me. "How the hell did you get in here?!"

"I jumped from my balcony to yours and came in threw the window duhh." He said like it was obvious.

"Go away." I moaned.

"No, get up, you've school." He told me.

Brody took both my hands to pull me up but I cried out and snapped my right hand back. It was the hand I punched Chase with and it was sore as hell.

"It was a good punch but you punched him wrong." Brody told me.

"I know how to punch." I hissed at him. it wasn't my first time and I doubted it would be my last.

"I'm not saying you don't, loads of people do it wrong sometimes. You should get it checked out." Brody told me as I got out of my head and he sat down on it.

"No." I yawned. "And I'm not going to school."

"So you're skipping with us?" He asked me.

"No, I've a hospital appointment and an appointment with my psychologist." I told Brody.

"I know but it's not to later so that's why you and I are going to school then at lunch time I'm taking you to the hospital for your appointments and to get your hand checked out." Brody told me.

"You're not coming with me!" I told him.

"Yes I am, now get changed." He ordered.

"Get out." I ordered him.

"No." He laughed. "Just get changed."

I stomped over to my closet and pulled out a soft baby pink dress, a white waist coat and white iron fist heels. I went into the bathroom and changed because I wasn't going to change in front of Brody. I brushed my teeth and washed my face then went back into the room where I sat at my dresser. I brushed through my long hair and left in down to flow in lockets down my back. Then I added a load of bracelets and wristbands to cover my scars.

"There, I'm ready." I sighed standing up.

"Ok then let's go."

We walked out of my room together and into the kitchen where the boys were accept for Mark who left last night.

"Brody how did you get in?" Joseph asked Brody.

"He broke into my room and woke me up." I cringed.


"Right well we're having a party tonight, Brody you'll be here right?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah of course." Brody replied.

"Excuse me." I said then walked out of the kitchen and out of the house.

I began walking to school when Brody's car started driving along side me with Brody and Jake in it.

"Get in." Brody told me.

I wasn't for arguing with him so I got in the back of his car.

"Marley I'm sorry about you know." Jake said and I folded my arms. "I'm sorry about calling you unstable."

"It's ok Jake, I'm used to it but really it's ok." I smiled at him.

"Thanks M-R." He smiled back at me.

"Brody insists on taking me to my hospital appointment and my appointment with Danny, can you tell him that you're taking me please." I sighed.

"Actually I asked Brody to take you, I've got a date." Jake smirked.

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