Chapter 52: 10 years later

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"Mommy! Daddy! Mommy! Daddy!"

I bolted up when I heard the shouts of little voices from the bottom of my bed. There perched at the bottom of the bed was our four little munchkins holding a banner that read 'Happy Anniversary'. I smiled with pride at my four beautiful children then turned to my gorgeous husband Brody Morgan sleeping peacefully into his pillow. My life was good.

In the last 10 years so much has changed for the better. Brody and I had been married for ten beautiful years and we had 4 gorgeous children with another one on the way. First we had a boy, Caíden, he's 8 now and he is so protective of his siblings, he's talented and I have no doubt he will make quarterback for any pro football team he wanted. Then we had Killian who is 7 now and wants to me a doctor exactly like his daddy. Next we had our Olivia-Mae who is 5 and is our sunshine, she can make anyone smile and she wants to save the world. Then we had our Jax who's 4 now and full of so much energy and enthusiasm, he's not sure what he wants out of the world yet but whatever it will be it'll be great. Lastly is our little miracle who's on the way, we have her name planned, Nova and she's due in 2 months to complete our little family.

Brody did exactly what he said he would, he because a doctor and works in A&E saving lives. I became an equal rights lawyer but spend a lot of time working from home so I get to see the children.

I couldn't have asked for a better life than this. I know I lost my parents when I was young  and I've been through so much hurt but I have made the most out of what I have and I wouldn't change my little family for the world.

"Daddy wake up!!" Olivia-Mae jumped on top of Brody and he jumped away in shock. He was confused for a minute but then he looked up at me and smiled.

"10 years Mrs Morgan." Brody smiled then reached up and kissed me.

Olivia-Mae cradled in Brody's arms while my boys jumped into my arms. Jax put his ear to my belly like he did every morning and tried to listen to his baby sister move in my belly.

"Mommy sing to us." Olivia-Mae encouraged me.

"Okay but you all have to join in." I told them and they all excitedly jumped up and sat to face me at the end of the bed. Brody put his arms around me and kissed my forehead before I started singing.

"I close my eyes and I can see the world that's waiting up for me that I call my own. Through the dark, through the door. Through where no one's been before but it feels like home." I began singing one of the kids favourite songs then Brody and the kids joined in.

"They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy. They can say, they can say I've lost my mind. I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy. We can live in a world that we design. Cause every night I lie in bed the brightest colors fill my head. A million dreams are keeping me awake. I think of what the world could be a vision of the one I see a million dreams is all it's gonna take. A million dreams for the world we're gonna make." We sang together then we finished all the kids jumped on me and Brody.


"Mommy can I listen to your heart." Killian jumped into my arms with Brody's stethoscope.

I lifted Killian up and sat him on the kitchen counter then crossed my arms. He knew why I was being like this. Brody's stethoscope was special, I got him it for Christmas the year he proposed and got it engraved say 'you saved my life, go save some more. I love you'. It was special for both of us.

"Sorry mommy." Killian frowned and tooth the stethoscope off then handed me it.

"Good boy." I kissed him forehead. "Some day when you're older I'll get you a special one too okay. Now go make sure your brothers and sister are ready."

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