Chapter 30: Out of Reach

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"Ok Jake just go in and get him and tell him he can get a lift with us." I told Jake.

Jake went to get Brody so we could bring him to Marley-Rose... We had a solid plan and we were going to get them back together. Jake was going to drive with me, Sarah-Jayne, Lucy and Brody and Jamie was taking his car with Sean, Nelana and Ryan. We didn't plan on telling Brody straight away because we know how hot headed he is so we just prayed it would work.

"Do you think it'll work?" My sister asked me.

"It has to." I sighed.


I walked out of my house with Jake who was going to him give me a lift to school and I saw Sam, Sarah-Jayne and Lucy in the car, what were they doing?

"What's going on?" I asked Jake.

"Oh they stayed at mine last night after we hung out, you know when you were hooking up with the new slut." Jake snapped back at me, obviously hiding so aggression towards me.

I could tell Jake did hate me since what happened with Marley, I could tell they all hated me but they didn't understand why I did it, I had to for her safety. As with what happened with Taylor, it wasn't what they all thought it was...

"Jake you know that's just what I do." I shrugged.

"So you're back to being a badboy?" Jake asked me.

"I never stopped being one." I acted up.

That's what I was good at, acting, hiding my emotions. I missed Marley-Rose like hell, when she left, she took my heart with her and none of these ones would understand that. I couldn't explain how much I missed her, how much I wanted her back. It's been more than a week and I feel like a completely different person, I feel bad.

I got into the car and Sarah-Jayne and Lucy made me sit in between them two, in the middle. I thought Sarah-Jayne was sweet, I always have thought she was but we've always been just friends because she's liked Jake for so long. She is Marley-Rose's best friend, and I have no intention of getting with her especially because of Jake but all I have left is my reputation.

"So this is cosy." I smirked looking at Sarah-Jayne. "How have you been beautiful?"

"Brody don't think I'm above kicking your ass, don't look at her!" Jake hissed at me from the drivers seat and I caught what was going on.

"Ohhhhh you finally got him." I looked at Sarah-Jayne then at Jake. "You know she's fancied you since forever, she even turned me down for you."

"Brody just stop talking." Sam told me.

Sarah-Jayne put her head down and I knew it was time to stop, she was one of my closest friends, she was Marley-Rose's best friend, I didn't want to upset her, that was the last thing I wanted to do, reputation or not. I may have a reputation but I am not a monster.

So I looked up at the road and didn't recognise it, this wasn't the road to school.

"Jake did you miss a turn off?" I asked.

"No. I know exactly were I'm going." Jake told me.

"Well do you mind telling me?" I asked him.

"We're going to see Marley-Rose. " Sam told me.


"That's funny I thought you said you were going to see Marley-Rose. " I chuckled.

"We are you idiot." Lucy snapped.

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