Chapter 47:....In Love

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"So that's what you've missed." I sighed down the phone to Robbie. I had been on the ohone with him for an hour and now he was fully up to date with the whole Angelo situation.

"Everything will be okay M-R. Angelo sounds like a good guy and he's your dad. Who wouldn't want you in their life?"

"Ugh I miss you." I groaned feeling the separation pain from being away from him.

"I miss you too princess" he laughed.

*****knock Knock knock*****

"That's Tyler. I have to go, I'll talk to you soon." I told Robbie then hung up.

I nervously shaked my knee when I heard those dreaded three knocks I had been waiting on all day. Today was the day Tyler was coming to town. The last time I seen him I left him angry and alone and although I did want to see him again, I dreaded it. I dreaded telling him that I was only his half sister and that mom had an affair and that I had a whole other family. I was all Tyler had left, we were alone but we were alone together and now he's going to find out I have a brother and a living dad.

Angelo and Sebastian weren't here, they wanted to be but I needed to do this alone. Tyler and I have seventeen years together and he deserves a private conversation where I tell him.

As I nervously bit away at my lip I saw my brother come into the room with his bags and he smiled at me, making me think he had forgave me for technically running away. Then Marty walked over to him and hugged him and I was so glad to see them getting on. Soon enough all the boys had hugged him and Tyler seemed to be enjoying the love and attention which he deserved. I wanted him to feel a part of the Callaghan family.

The Callaghans all left the room then be a use they all knew I had to tell Tyler about Angelo.

"Hi." I smiled at Tyler standing up from the sea.

"Are you mad at me?" Tyler asked me.

"Not anymore." I replied. "Are you mad at me?"

"Not anymore." He smiled.

Then Tyler reached out his arms to hug me and I gladly hugged him back. Then I pulled away and made him sit beside me.

"You might not be mad at me now but you might be after you hear what I've to tell you." I sighed.

"What is it Marley-Rose? What's wrong?" Tyler asked me, worried.

"Do you remember when you were quite young and mom went away for a few months for no reason?" I asked him.

"Yeah, she missed my birthday and that was the year I broke my leg because there was no one watching me in the garden." Tyler nodded. "Dad always told me she was just sick and getting help."

"She wasn't." I sighed. "She was in France."

"France? Why France?" He asked surprised.

"Mom and dad had split up and mom went travelling to France where she met a man, a man named Angelo Monèt.... and he's my real father Tyler." I admitted.

I watched patiently for Tyler's mad reaction to appear. I was sure he was going to make a big scene but it never came, he looked more froze and upset than angry. He just found out that he had been lied to his whole life as well. Neither of us knew the truth and it wasn't easy on either of us.

"Is this a joke Marley?" Tyler asked me.

"He showed up at the door one day with a letter from mom and then I went and asked uncle Shane and Rick and they told me the truth, Marty knew too." I sighed

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