Chapter 19: I wear my heart on my sleeve

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"What the hell are you doing here?!" I yelled at my brother who I hadn't seen in ages.

Tyler and JC were here. How could I be so stupid to think that they wouldn't stay here?! I can't be around them, it's bad for my court case and bad for me. It hurt so much just standing in front of them.

"Marley." JC smiled. "You look so beautiful."

"M who are these guys?" Sam asked me.

"I'm Tyler." Tyler introduced himself. "Marley's older brother and this is my friend and Marley-Rose's ex fiancé, JC."

"What are you doing here?!" I yelled at Tyler again.

"It's good to see you too sister. I'm here for the court case, I cleared it with the courts so both of us can stay here at the same time if we want." Tyler told me.

"No! I don't want to be anywhere near you!" I yelled at him. "I need to be here this week but I don't want you anywhere near me."

"I am your brother-

"No! You lost that title when you left me, when I was sick, when I was dying, when mom and dad died you still left me!" I cried. "You're dead to me."

"Marley-Rose." Jake grabbed my attention. "It's a big house, he won't get in your way."

"Jake, he's not even worth me wasting my breath, neither of them are." I said realising I was stronger than this then I turned back to Tyler and JC. "You can stay because I don't give a shit what you do. You two aren't a part of my life anymore and I've built a life without you so screw you mother fu-

"Marley!" Jake covered my mouth to stop me cursing but I bit his hand and he let go.

"Let's get out of here." I told my friends.

They all backed up then we went downstairs again to our bags. I needed to forget about Tyler and JC because I couldn't bare to let myself care for them again. I hated them both so much and now I know that I'm stronger and that I can handle myself and everything else just fine. I don't need them and I certainly don't want them so I'm just gonna be a bitch to them.

"M are you ok?" Ryan asked me.

"I'm fine actually, really." I smiled. "Now everyone go pick a room and meet down here in half an hour." I told them.

I was going to my room anyway. I lifted my bags and ran up to the fifth and highest floor. I found my old room in an empty hall on it's own. I opened the door and walked into my beautiful old room. It was white and blue with white bed covers and a soft blue blanket on top, white light feathery curtain, white sofas, whit furniture, a blue rug, and blue pillows. My room was so big and it looked so beachy and calm. There was stacks of instruments all around the room.The thing I loved most about it though was my windowsill sofa that led onto the balcony, my connecting room that was a full sized room with all my clothes then a smaller room for all my shoes then a connecting bathroom too. I really had the best bedroom.

I jumped on my lovely soft bed, even my bed had white thin curtains across it like a princesses. I looked over at my bedside table and saw three pictures, one of me and Tyler with me on Tyler's back, one of me and JC kissing and one of me, Tyler and my parents.

I got off the bed and walked out of my room then I walked down to the second floor and to my parents bedroom. I walked in and looked around the highly familiar room, breathing in the mixed smell of my mother and fathers scent. I walked over to the dressing tale and lifted up my mums perfume, opening the top and smelling it, holding it close to my chest.


I turned around, setting the perfume back down and finding at Brody by the door. I think he knew how upset I was about Tyler and JC and I think that's why he's here. I didn't even have to say anything as Brody walked towards me and wrapped me in his arms.

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