Chapter 14

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"So why did you want to make this emergency appointment?" Danny asked me as I sat down in front of him.

"Things are getting bad again Danny." I sighed.

"How?" He asked me.

"I can just feel it, I feel the same way as I did before." I told him.

"Ok, let's break it down, how's things at home?" Danny asked.

"It's not home, not to me. My family are trying to take everything from me in my old home, me and the guys are going up next week to I sort it out." I told him.

"And how are things with Brody?" He asked me.

"He's my boyfriend now, secretly. He doesn't trust me. Sometimes I feel because of my past experiences that I can't be myself around him. I can't even let him touch me." I replied.

"And things at school?" He asked

"There's this girl called Lucy and she's out to get me, she hates me and is making my life hell. She knows I used to be ill too and what I did to myself. She has a thing for Jake and she's trying to take him from me." I told him.

"Anything else?" He asked.

"Brody got my old car back for me today and when I was driving it, I heard voices in my head from the day my parents died." I told him.

"Ok." Danny said standing up and walking around his room. "After hearing what you said about hearing the voices in your car, I don't think it's best for you going home, it'll only make you remember more things. For the Brody situation, it is very common for a victim of rape to feel protective about their body, you just need time. About Lucy, you don't care what people think, don't let her get to you and Jake loves you more than any girl."

I have admit, Danny was the best psychologist I knew, he did his job very well.

"I have to go home to sort my family and my belongs out." I argued.

"Well I advise you not to but you're gonna do whatever the hell you like anyway." He smirked.

I raised my knees to my chest and thought quietly. This whole time there's been one thing on my mind that I had to know.

"Danny, uhm, how did your meeting go with uhm Tyler?" I asked Danny nervously.

"I was afraid you'd ask that." Danny sighed. "He's going for full custody Marley."

I was afraid he'd say that. With all that's going on, I don't need Tyler butting in. I'm not even mad, I don't have the energy to be mad anymore.

"Can he do that?" I asked calmly.

"Marley your parents were filthy rich and Tyler got half of that money. He said there's no amount of money he wouldn't pay to get you back. He wants nothing to do with the houses or cars or businesses, he played that if he gets custody of you, he would let you have everything in full instead of half ownership. He was up for a fight Marley, he is a very good lawyer and he's got a very good lawyer friend-

When he said that Tyler had a good lawyer friend I looked up at him, JC was a lawyer like Tyler.

"What was his friends name?" I asked.

"JC or something like that." Danny shrugged. "The point is he's going in all guns blazing and you're family all going to need a hell of a lot of money to fight him."

"No." I shook my head. "My family have wasted enough money on me, my problems aren't theirs. If I'm going to fight Tyler and JC, I'll do it myself. All my family started out as lawyers, I've learnt a thing or too. I'm going to win this without help from my family or any money."

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