Chapter 28: A New Beginning

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"Marley-Rose." Tyler woke me awake. "Come on Marls, you ready for your first day of school?"

"Yea I'm ready." I smiled at my brother.

Tyler smiled, ruffled my hair then left me to get changed. Today was my first day at a new school. It had been a week since I left my family. A week since I last seen my family and friends. It had been a week and I've made it through it, I haven't broke now yet and I'm proud that I coping. Our new house is lovely, Tyler and I are rebuilding our relationship, him, JC and I are having fun so far. JC is aware that I'm not ready for a relationship and he's respecting that at the minute.

I changed into a white dress with a floral print on it and a pair of white converse. I curled my hair just a little to give it some waves then added hairspray. I applied my makeup then grabbed my phone and bag and left my room.

I skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen where Tyler was burning breakfast. Aw he was trying his best.... While Tyler was dealing with the eggs, the toast was burning so I helped him out and took the burnt bread out of the toaster. JC was laughing from the breakfast bar so I threw a bit of toast at him.

"Sorry Marl." Tyler sighed and I smiled at him.

"That's the fourth time you've burnt breakfast this week Ty." JC laughed.

"Like you could do any better." Tyler snapped back at JC.

"It's ok I'll just pick up a coffee and something to eat at the coffee house near my new school." I shrugged. "I better get going."

"Do you want a lift or are you going to drive?" Tyler asked me.

"I'm actually going to walk, get some air." I replied.

"Well you look beautiful." JC told me.

"Thank you." I smiled. "Ok have fun at work you two."

"Have fun at school." Tyler called as I walked out of the house.

I began walking to my new school which wasn't too far from my new house. I was still trying to get used to this new life, it was hard. my friends have rang and text me but I'm not replying to them, I need time away from them or else I'll always be stuck in the past. The only one I am replying to is Matt because I promised him but he's giving me space anyway.

I entered the cute little coffee shop I had passed a few times to grab something before school.

"Hi what can I get you?" A girl behind the counter asked me.

"Uhm I'll take a milky coffee to go, a double sized chocolate chip cookie and an ice finger please." I ordered.

The girl smiled and got my order which I paid for and took off her. I took my order to the side and added a few sugars to my coffee. I lifted my coffee and turned around and suddenly my body collided with another. My coffee spilt all over my chest but thankfully none landed on my dress. The other person's coffee also spilled over them, all over them. I looked up a saw a tall handsome boy with coffee all over his white and blue shirt. I know I shouldn't of but in that minute I burst into laughter. I didn't even realise how hot my chest was after I spilled the roasting coffee.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't be laughing." I apologised through even more laughter.

"Uh don't apologise, your laugh is cute." The boy smirked.

This boy was tall, charming, handsome, cute but I couldn't think about that. I was not getting into another relationship, no relation, no rebound, not for a long while.

"Through my laughter I forgot how my chest is really really burning." I groaned but tried to laugh through it.

"Here." He handed me some napkins and I rubbed my chest down.

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