Because I love Him

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"Kurt Wait!" Blaine shouted "Kurt! Kurt!"

Blaine finally caught up to him and pulled him into a hug "calm down ok the warblers can be idiots sometimes!"

Kurt cried "No they think I killed the bird. They even said it. I am probably going to get kicked of."

Blaine was so angry with his friends right now "Listen ok. They are dumb you couldn't hurt a fly."

Kurt hugged Blaine again "When did you become taller then me?"

Blaine laughs "Well I must have grown an inch or something?"

Kurt smiles "Anyway I'm glad your taller for this moment."

Blaine Hugs Kurt tight "do you want to go back?"

Kurt and Blaine go back to the warblers.

Blaine was very mad with everyone "Ok I have a few things to say. Kurt did not Kill Pavarotti. You should all be ashamed of yourself."

Nick stood up "Kurt I want you to know Me and Jeff never thought you killed him. I Am very sorry that all of these Guys are saying this."

Jeff nodded "Pavarotti got sick there is nothing you could of done to save him. He looked perfectly fine, he didn't look sick so there was no way you could have known to take him to the vet."

Blaine smiles at his best friends "Exactly! So who ever started the roomer fess up right now."

Trent raised his hand "It was Hunter."

Hunter sighs "I was the one that started it in here,and I am very sorry Kurt I was dumb and stupid and it was wrong. It's been going round the school for weeks."

Kurt got up to walk away "Blaine don't follow me please."

Blaine nodded "Go to our room I will come and check on you in 10-15 minutes!"

Kurt hugs Blaine "Thank you for respecting me."

Blaine kissed his cheek "No problem."


"You know what it's bad enough he was chased out of his school by a bully, and now a school he is meant to be safe at there is a roomer spreading around about him? So Hunter who told you about this huh." Blaine says trying to get to the bottom of it.

Nick and Jeff shook their heads "Guys we are all meant to be like brothers an..."

Jeff cut him of "Unless you are dating someone in the group that would be wired anyway carry on honey."

Nick nodded "And you saying all this stuff about Kurt is not how brothers should act. So you all should be very disappointed in yourself."

Blaine death stared Hunter and then everyone else's except Niff "Ok now I am going to check up on my Boyfriend you all decided to treat like trash! He is not Trash ok and you shouldn't treat him like that because I love him and I don't want him to get hurt." The room went silent and Blaine suddenly

Hunter was the first to speak "Dude. we didn't know you loved him we thought you were just having it."

Blaine breathes "Well I didn't release I did till now. No we haven't even done that yet. NOT A WORD OF THIS TO KURT."

Kurt walked in "not a word of what?"

Blaine laughs Nervously "nothing don't worry I was just about to come see you."

Kurt raised an eyebrow "Ok well come in 5 minutes when you're not acting so wired."

Blaine nods "Yeah bye."


Everyone just started laughing apart from Nick,Jeff and Blaine

Jeff rolled his eyes "Everyone shut up! Just because you all single or haven't stayed in a relationship long enough to love them. I know when I realised I loved Nick I was scared that he didn't love me back so I didn't say anything. Then I just had to because I didn't care if he didn't love me back I just wanted him to know that he was Loved."

Blaine smiles at the story he was once jealous of

Wes yawns at the story he has heard 1000 times "How do you know you love each other you're both only 16?"

Blaine stared at Wes "They just know. Er guys I will see you at lunch."

Blaine ran of to his room.


David raised an eyebrow "Where is he going in such a hurry?"

Nick face palms "Are you dumb? He is going to tell Kurt you actual stupid idiot!"

Wes rolls his eyes "I still don't know how he knows."

Jeff was now getting annoyed "Like Blaine says You just know, and when you find THE ONE then you will understand."


"Hey Kurt?" Blaine asks looking really nervous

Kurt walked over "Blaine don't look so nervous I heard what you said."

Blaine coughed uncomfortably "What did I say again? Yeah we can forget about that!"

Kurt rolled his eyes and kissed him "I love you too!"

Blaine smiles and hugs Kurt "Good Now we have established that we need to talk."

Kurt nods "If this is about me moving to McKinley I would love to! I miss my friends but Karofsky is still there and I'm scared."

Blaine smiles "That is why I will move there with you."

Kurt was shocked "Really?"

Blaine giggles "Yeah I told you I love you!!"

Kurt hugs Blaine "Thank you!! How about we stay here for a year and we go back for my senior year?"

Blaine smiles "sounds good."

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