He is your Brother

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A/N: what if Kurt's friends didn't like Klaine together. They have been married for 4 years and have a child. Still Kurt's friends didn't like them together, only a few but that's because they are friends with Blaine as well.


Kurt walks to answer the door "Oh hey Rachel what are you doing her I thought we were meeting you at there?"

Rachel nods "Yeah but just don't bring Blaine I can't have this funeral for Mr. Shue ruined because of him."

Kurt grew angry "Rachel Mr. Shue helped Blaine through a lot of stuff in his life he deserves to be there to say his thanks."

Blaine heard the whole conversation "Honey it's fine Mr Shue knows how thankful I am for him. Anyway it just saves us bringing Lucas."

Kurt could tell he was tearing up "Blaine I'm not letting the fact they don't like you with me be the reason you're not coming you've done nothing wrong they've just hated you since day one."

Lucas came out of his room "Daddy I don't feel so good."

Blaine looks at him and felt his head "Kurt this is the reason now it wasn't before but now it is. You go I'll be fine."

Kurt felt Lucas' head "He is really warm and pale."

Rachel smiles "Come on Kurt let's go."

Kurt hugs Blaine "I'll tell him for you don't worry."

Blaine nods "I'm Sorry for trying to ruin this day for you all by coming."

Kurt wanted to say something but he didn't "Well feel better soon honey."


After the funeral

Sam frowns "I wonder why Blaine's not here?"

Tina nods "I can't believe he didn't come."

Rachel laughs "I knew he wouldn't come he was always such a bad person probably doesn't even care about Mr Shue."

Everyone apart from Mercedes, Sam, Santana, Brittany, Tina, Mike, puck and Finn agreed.


Kurt stood up "You wanna know why Blaine isn't here because he's at home looking after our sick son oh and even if Lucas wasn't sick he wouldn't come because Rachel basically begged me not to let him come. She said it would ruin the funeral. Oh and another thing Blaine wanted to come and say Thank you to Mr. Shue for helping him through a hard time in his life."

Quinn stepped forward "He's been nothing but trouble ever since you met him how can we believe that?"

Kurt tears up "Because he's been texting me through the whole thing asking me if everyone was ok, and asking if you're crying and if so to give you a hug off him."

Finn was so angry "Blaine is my Brother in law and this has to stop. Kurt and Blaine are a lovely couple that have been married for almost 5 years there anniversary is next Friday, bet you didn't know that did you? Oh yeah because none of you were at the wedding not even Rachel he's meant to be your best friend, and Blaine well he's your brother. Kurt cried for ages because none of you were there. Blaine cried because he blamed himself, his own sister didn't come to his wedding that must mean he's done something right Rachel? Yes Samcedes, Brittana, Tike and Puck came. That is still not all of you, and the fact all of you agree with what Rachel did is disgusting Blaine has the right to be here Mr. Shue helped him just as much as he did us probably more. Why did you do that Rachel he's your brother this is not the person I fell in love with I really don't know you anymore."

Everyone was shocked since no one knew Blaine was Rachel's brother.

Puck stepped forward

Puck stepped forward "Wait Anderson is her brother?"

Rachel nods "Yeah he just has my other dads last name."

Sam shook his head "That's messed up."

Kurt sighs "its Fine you don't like Blaine I don't care my love for him is so much stronger then my liking for you."


Kurt opened the door to see a crying Blaine on the sofa with Lucas trying to ask what's wrong "Lucas Baby you go in your room ok?"

Lucas nods "Ok papa."


Blaine just fell onto Kurt "Why do they hate me so much. Our wedding was meant to be magical but because of me no one came."

Kurt sighs "Finn shouted at them today."

Blaine giggles "Wish I was there. I'm sorry all your friends hate me I Deserve it but you don't and I'm sorry."

Kurt hates how Blaine apologies all the time "Blaine you got to know you're perfect I swear absolutely Perfect and I Love you."


Lucas came out of his room "Daddy I love you."

Blaine hugs Lucas "I love you too I'm sorry you had to see me act like a baby today you needed me and I just thought about myself so sorry."

Lucas cries  and Kurt frowns "Why are you crying buddy?"

Lucas sniffles "Why does daddy say sorry all the time he's done nothing wrong I don't like it."

Blaine frowns "It's just a habit I pretty much have to say sorry for my existence when I'm around others so sorry."

Lucas just grabs Blaine's hand and dragged him to a picture of the family with him Lucas Finn Burt Carol Kurt was in "Look."

Blaine raised an eyebrow "What I'm I looking at."

Lucas started getting frustrated "Look daddy we are all happy see you don't need to apologise anymore Daddy see me uncle Finny grandma and grandad all love you very very much and you're happy with us." Lucas then threw up on Blaine "I didn't mean to do that sorry but I really do love you daddy."

Kurt walks forwards "We need to get you to bed you will feel better soon honey. Also Blaine go get changed."

Lucas leaned his head on Kurt's shoulder "Please don't be sad daddy."

Blaine actually felt happy and genuinely smiles or the first time since he heard the news about Mr. Shue "I am happy truly happy Lucas Thank you."

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