My Sunshine

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3 year old Kurt:

Elizabeth picked Kurt up from the floor he had tripped over a rock and he was crying really loudly!
Elizabeth takes him inside and sat on the rocking chair.

She kisses his head and starts to sing softly "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."

Kurt sniffles "Momma do I need a plastwer?"

Elizabeth smiles "You should be fine it's time for your nap now anyway!"

Kurt nodded "Okway momma."


5 year old Kurt

Elizabeth smiles at Kurt "Hi sweet boy I got you a teddy bear."

Kurt jumped up and down "It's so soft Thank you momma! I'm gonna name it sunshine because it's yellow and it will always remind me of you."

Elizabeth picked Kurt up "Why is that?"

Kurt giggles "Because you sing the sunshine song when I'm sad or sleepy."

Elizabeth nods "That's very sweet Kurt."

Kurt hugs his mom "I love you."

Elizabeth kisses Him "I love you too."


8 year old Kurt

Kurt had not excepted his Mom to die so early in his life but it happened and now he wasn't gonna see her ever again.

Burt came up to Kurt room and looked at him hold his bear like it was his life. Then Burt heard something he had never heard before, KURT'S SINGING VIOCE!

"You are my sunshine my only sunshine, you make me happy when sky's are grey. You'll never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away."

Burt walks up to his sons bed and just laid down on his bed and just held him "It's ok to cry Kiddo we'll get through this together ok?"

Kurt nods "I know Dad it's just I miss her so freaking much."

Burt hugs his son tighter "I know so do I, now I'm going to go make dinner if you want to help?"

Kurt smiles "I would love to help."

Burt gets up and takes his sons hand "You have a lovely Voice by the way."

Kurt went red "Thank you dad!"


16 year old Kurt

Blaine frowns "What's wrong honey?"

Kurt looks at him and sighs "Erm today marks 9 years since my mom died."

Blaine walks up to him and hugged him tightly "Are you ok? Do you wanna cuddle? Maybe I can even sing to you if want."

Kurt giggles "I love you."

Blaine smiles "Is that a yes?"

Kurt nods and walks over to the bed with Blaine, he lays his head down on Blaine chest.

Blaine starts to sing "You are my sunshine my only sunshine, you make me happy when sky's are grey. You'll never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away."

Kurt sniffles "My mom used to sing that song to me."

Blaine smiles "really?"

Kurt nods "Yeah! That was lovely bee thank you."

Blaine kisses his head "No problem."


25 year old Kurt

Cries Filled the Anderson-Hummel house hold. Blaine was at work so Kurt was left alone with their 3 year old daughter Tracy!

Kurt walked into her room and looks at Tracy "Aww baby girl what's wrong!"

Tracy sniffles "I'm really sorry daddy I lost your sunshine bear and I've been looking for it everywhere."

Kurt was little upset since his mom gave it to him. "Honey it's ok we will look for it together later come here!"

Tracy just wouldn't stop crying so he started singing You Are My Sunshine and she calmed down.


Blaine came home and heard Kurt singing and smiled and walked into the room.

Tracy frowns "Why is daddy crying papa?"

Blaine nods "Because his mommy used to sing that song to him."

Kurt sniffles "Yeah I remember when I was your age so that's a long time ago, I fell over so she brought me inside and to calm me down she sang that song to me. She also gave me that teddy that's why I named it sunshine because it reminded me of her."

Tracy cries again "I lost something very important to you."

Blaine was confused "Baby girl what you going on about you didn't loose it look remember you left it at grandad Burt's! I went to get it see look, here you go."

Tracy sniffles "Yayyy thanks papa! Daddy here you can have sunshine back."

Kurt shook his head "No it's past down to you now ok I trust you yeah!"

Blaine sits on the floor with them and hugged both of them tightly



Elizabeth had tears in her eyes and wishers "Don't take my sunshine away."

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