He's late

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Burt walks downstairs "Hey boys and Rachel wait Kurt where's Blaine?"

Finn nods "Yeah he said he would be here before everyone else."

Kurt looks down "He'll be here he wouldn't miss my birthday."

1 hour later (Still no Blaine)

Kurt went in the bathroom to call him no answer "Hi B it's me I er just wanted to know where you are you were meant to be here hours ago. I er call me back."


Kurt- wru? Blaine if you don't want to come just tell me.


Mercedes sighs "Still nothing?"

Kurt sat on the sofa and didn't talk to anyone all the guests game and said happy birthday but Kurt just got up "Thank you all for coming enjoy yourself." Then he left

Burt went outside to sit with him "You ok?"

Kurt doesn't make eye contact "I'm fine."

Burt sighs "Really because you aren't in there enjoying your own party."

Kurt sighs "He's not coming is he?"

Burt shook his head "I don't think so Kiddo he should have been here over 2 hours ago."

Kurt nods slowly clearly upset "I don't feel like having this party anymore could you maybe send everyone home?"

Burt sighs "If that's what you want."

Kurt stood up and went to his room Burt frowns "I'm sorry guys Kurt has asked me to send you guys home he isn't up for this party." They all understood and went home.


Blaine was so upset "Mom please tell him. This isn't even funny."

Pam nods "At least let him text the boy Blake?"

Blake huffs "No you are to stay away from that boy Blaine he's made you gay."

Blaine tears up "It's his birthday dad it's already hard because it's also when his mom died. This is the first one he's celebrated in a long time.

Blake hits Blaine across the face "Go to your room."


Kurt walks upstairs and when he saw everyone had actually left he knew it was over Blaine had officially not come "Finn?"

Finn nods "Yeah? I'm still here my moms staying over so I'm staying as well."

Kurt sits down "I miss my mom 9 years today."

Finn's heart Just about broke "She died on your birthday?"

Burt came in to join them "Yeah this is the first time in 9 years since he's celebrated it. The one person who he did it for didn't show up."

Finn frowns "I'm sure there is a reason he's a good boyfriend."

Kurt just went back to his room



Pam sat next to Blaine "I love you baby. Here use my phone to text Kurt. Or ring him." She got up and left.


Blaine- "Hello? Kurt I'm so sorry."

Kurt- "Blaine it's fine I know it was too good to be true."

Blaine- "What was?"

Kurt- "For someone to love me like you. It was all a plan wasn't it a joke well I really hope you're happy Blaine because tonight after everyone left I was gonna take you to see her. You made me trust you that much. Well you know what we're done goodbye Blaine and I really did love you."

Blaine- "Did?" He said brokenly

Kurt- "Yeah never talk to me again you're so horrible and I was happy for once in my life and it was all a lie."

Blaine- "If that's what you want I will respect you."

Kurt- "Please if you respected me then you wouldn't have done this to me."


Blaine started sobbing his dad did this to him. The one thing going good in his life and he's gone. All because of my dad. Pam ran in "You broke up?"

Blaine held his mom "This is his fault the love of my life gone because of him."

Pam looks up at Blake "You really want our son this upset?"

Blake laughs "Your son Pam your son." Then he walked off


Kurt woke up went upstairs and froze when he saw Blaine "What are you doing here?"

Blaine rested his head on his mom's shoulder Pam kisses his head "His dad was being an ass last night and didn't let him come here."

Kurt rolls his eyes "I don't care."

Blaine closed his eyes "I think we should go the room is spinning and I'm struggling to breathe."

That girl Kurt's attention "Are you ok?"

Pam sat him up "Blaine? Can you hear me?"

Blaine laughs "Have you ever noticed the moon changes shape?"

Kurt didn't care that he was mad "Blaine how many fingers?"

Blaine blinked "45." Then he fainted

Pam felt his head "he's just stressed out this happens a lot."

He woke up 20, minutes later "Hi Kurt you're awake sorry about last night."

Kurt raised an eyebrow "You don't remember?"

Pam sighs "You got a little stressed again honey don't worry."

Blaine nods "Ok well I love you and I'm really sorry."

Kurt kisses him "I understand I love you too." The

Klaine one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now