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Kurt just started crying Blaine was so confused so he hugged him but Kurt just pulled away. Blaine frowns

Blaine just looks at Kurt "Baby what's wrong?"

Kurt looks at him "I really don't want to leave you! I will miss you so much I will just come to California with you."

Blaine shook his head "No No No
New York is where you belong! I will miss you so much to but I promise we will Skype every day."

Kurt hugged him "It won't be the same!"

Blaine kissed him "I know but we can get through this together! Then when we have finished college, I will move to New York and we can live together and get married someday and be happy for ever and ever until we die. That sound good?"

Kurt giggles "God I'm gonna miss you so much!"

Blaine smiles "I'm gonna miss you too!"

5 years later: finished school

Blaine text Rachel about what he was gonna doe when he got to New York! The first big surprise was him actually being in New York. Rachel said they were at a coffee shop so that is where he is heading now.

Blaine walked into the coffee shop and saw Kurt's table and walked up to it "Ok so I walked in hear and saw this amazing specimen so I just had to come over!"

Kurt was just in shock then quickly got over it and literally jumped onto kissing him once he hit down "I've missed you so much what are coming here for?"

Blaine giggles "I came here to tell you we are both going to Lima to see you dad! Oh and after I'm coming to live in New York with you. I also have a recording contract now so I could be famous soon."

Kurt claps his hands together "I'm so happy for you! Why are we going to Lima?"

Blaine giggles "Because you dad wants us too!"


At Dalton!

It was the end of the school day for the Dalton students so he brought Kurt there.

Blaine made Kurt stand on the stage "Ok so I didn't want this to be a big thing but I wanted it to be special. So you know this is where we met!"

Kurt giggles "Yeah!"

Blaine gets a ring and gets down on one knee "Kurt Elizabeth Hummel will you do me the honour of becoming my husband?"

Kurt was in tears "Yes yes yes I will marry you!"

Blaine smiles "I love you so much!"

Kurt kissed him "I love you too and I can't wait to get married to you!"

Klaine one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now