Be on you best behaviour

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Kurt sighs "Now This is someone else's house so you've got to be on your bet behaviour ok?"

Leo laughs "Ok Dada."

Blaine laughs "Relax honey he will be fine."


Sam opens the door "Thank you guys so much I will be back in a couple hours Mikey is sat on the sofa. Thanks again." Sam left and Klaine and Leo walked in and Kurt shut the door.

Mikey looks up and smiles "Hey Kurt hey Blaine."

Blaine laughs "Mikey this is Leo no he's a little younger then you but maybe you will get along?"

Mikey nods "Come on Leo let's go to my room."


Leo looks at Mikey "How owld awa you?"

Mikey giggles "12 and you?"

Leo nods "Thwee."


Leo got a felt tip and started drawing on the wall.

Blaine walked in and gasps "Leo what is this?"

Leo looks at his drawing "That's you, Dada, Me and him."

Blaine picks him up "That's very sweet but we don't draw on other peoples walls ok?"

Leo nods "sorry daddy."

Blaine hugs him "It's ok Mikey do you mind get me something to clean this up?"

Mikey nods "It's ok Blaine I will do it."


Leo yawns and walks in the living room of Sam's house "Daddy I'm sleepy."

Blaine looks at the time "Come here honey it is well past your nap time." Blaine picked up Leo and held him so he could go to sleep.

Mikey came out "Where did Leo go?"

Kurt giggles "He's sleeping he normally has a nap at 1:00 and now it is 3:00."

Mikey nods "Ok well my dad should be back soon he can go in my bed if he wants and I will come out here?"

Blaine smiles "It's ok he's asleep if I move he will wake up. With his naps I always have to be with him I don't Know why?"

Kurt rolls his eye playfully "It's because you're always gone after Five."

Blaine relished that Kurt was right "Oh well now I know,must be hard for him that I'm never at dinner huh?"

Kurt nods "Yeah he misses you that is why he's always clung to you the whole day."

Blaine sighs "We'll I got to get some time off work."

Mikey smiles "My Dad choose a week to have the week off and we spend the whole week together."

Blaine laughs "Sounds like a very Sam thing to do,but your a little older it will have to be longer than that. how about I take the summer holidays off. We could all go on Holiday yeah, and we can invite the whole glee club they have children. Some even Leo's age it would be so fun."

Kurt giggles "Yeah it would be Maybe we could stay in this country though maybe go to Disney land?"

Mikey nods "That is a grate idea."

Blaine smiles "Yeah!!"

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