Going nowhere

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I woke up to a slam so I walked out of my room careful not to wake Blaine. Rachel had tear in her eyes "What's wrong rach?" I asked calmly "It's Finn, he and Noah got hit by a drunk driver an...."

There was no way my big brother was dead I only had him for 4 years it's too early "It's ok come here." Rachel sobbed into his chest "We'll get the next flight out. Is erm Puck?"

Rachel took a deep breath "He's in a coma Quinn is with him and Beth is there too."

I walk into my room "Hey Blaine wake up we need to pack and head to Lima." Blaine woke up "What's going on?" Finn and Blaine were close even after our break up in his senior year  "it's Finn he got in an accident and he.... didn't m..ake it. I'm trying not to cry B I really am, Rachel is a mess and I'm trying hard to be strong for her but.... I just lost my brother." And out of no where I feel him pull me close and I let myself cry.


Carol first hugged Rachel "He loved you so much honey don't ever  think he didn't."

I haven't let go of Blaine's had since we left "Blaine and I are gonna go to sleep well probably not sleep but unless you've rented out my room that where we'll be."

My dad gave me a tight hug like he never wanted to let go "No your room is exactly where you left it. You have my permission to close the door."

Blaine laughs a little He's being strong I just hope I'm out of my hole when he brakes "I'm glad you trust me Mr.Hummel."

My dad nods "Well you make him happy something tells me your hand will be glued to his for while. And Blaine call me Burt none of the Mr Hummel crap."

Blaine looks at our hands and smiles "Ok Burt....." Carol gave him a nods "Carol we'll be upstairs if you need us." He said god I love him so much he better not leave me. "Get some sleep ok Rae."

Rachel nods "I'll try if you promise to do everything you possibly can to get him to sleep."

Blaine kisses my head that was resting on his shoulder "Promise."


Blaine was humming an unrecognisable tune "What's that?" I asked "What's what?" He smirked "You know what I mean. What song were you humming."

He sat up "Well it's by a really cool guy that you love very much." I rolled my eyes "No I'm being serious Kurt you know him very well and you love him and you hopefully brag about him."

Again a rolled my eyes "I'm not in the mood Blaine if you don't want to tell me then don't."

Blaine kiss me and grabs the guitar I got him for my house "you're right sorry I shouldn't be trying to joke with you. I'll play it for you and you have to tell me your honest opinion before I tell you who it's by."

I'm going nowhere
I can't move forward
I'm so much colder than I've been
Since, say, October
When we were closer
And it was love that we were in
If I was a smarter man
I'd understand
I'm alone when I look in the mirror
We said our goodbyes but
I closed my eyes and
You're still here
I'm going nowhere
Just getting known there
Watching the whole world pass me by
Against better reason
I take memories and
Sit back and repeat 'em every night
Maybe I stayed too long
Overplayed this song
I don't mind, I'm inclined to agree
If I'm going nowhere
Then there is nowhere I'd rather be
I wonder if he remembers anything
The way that I do him
Wonder if pre-September ever was
The way we were
If I'm going nowhere
Then there is nowhere I'd rather be
I wonder if he'll remembers anything
The way that I do him
Wonder if pre-September ever was
The way we were
It's all a blur
I'm going nowhere
He said it's over
Still, I look forward to the Fall
Another October
I'm sorry I know you're
Expecting a less than sober call
And maybe you're right, I'm scared
It might go nowhere
It is making it hard to believe
That I'm going nowhere
And there is nowhere I'd rather be
If you could just show where
I can go nowhere
That's where I'd rather be

(Song by Darren Criss)

I wiped my tears away "Blaine that was lovely, and so good."

Blaine smiles with teary eyes "I wrote it when we broke up but i mean it I'm going nowhere I promise I will never let you go again."

I wipe his face and give him a kiss "Is that really how you felt you didn't know if I remember you before the whole break up?"

Blaine sighs "I was afraid you would never remember the me before I betrayed you. I love you so much and so I wrote a song about how I was feeling without you and how I was willing to wait."

I look at the time "Do you have anymore. I might be able to fall asleep." Blaine smiles "Yea a few. You lay down and I'll sing a few songs I've been working on and we can talk about Finn or what ever you want at a reasonable hour alright?"

I do what he said "Erm do you need to sit up to play? Or can you lay with me?"

Blaine laughs a little "I don't actually have to play them I can just lay with you and we can both try and sleep."

I nod "still sing though please?"

Blaine gave me a kiss "Yes of course but close your eyes and don't ask questions about the songs we can do all the talking we want tomorrow."

I smile and close my eyes and relax "Ok deal I love you."

Blaine kisses me one last time "Love you too." And then he began singing and I knew he definitely was going nowhere.

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