You can stay here

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"Oh hi Blaine what are you doing here? Oh My God what happened to your eye!" Burt explained.

"Erm.. I... it... was.... erm" that is when Blaine just started crying "is Kurt here I need to talk to him?"

Burt felt sorry for the boy "Er no he went to the mall. He should be back soon. You can come in and wait if you want?"

Blaine nods "Ok." He chocked

Blaine walked in and sat on the sofa Burt followed and sat next to him "So you gonna tell me what happened or do you want to wait for Kurt?"

Blaine sniffed and whipped his tears away "I think I will wait for Kurt. No offence it's just he knows what going on so I won't have to start from the beginning where it hurt the most."

Burt nods "It's alright Kiddo just make yourself comfortable. "

Blaine frowns "Burt?"

Burt looks at Blaine with a sympathetic smile "Yes?"

Blaine takes a deep breath "When Kurt came out to you how did you react?"

Burt was confused with the question "Well I knew ever since he was 2. He thought he was hiding it but he can't hide anything from me. I told him that I was willing to come to terms with the idea and that I love him and nothing can change that. Why?"

Blaine had tears in his eyes why couldn't his dad except him? He has no one now. He has never met his mom or his brother. When He was 1  his parents got divorced and Blake Anderson became legal guardian of Blaine. "Erm... No reason!"

Burt rubs the boys back "Is it your dad? Is that why your here? Did he do that to your ey...."

Burt was cut of by Blaine crying on the Verge of a panic attack that is when the door opened

Kurt walked into the living room not really paying attention "Hey dad I am Ho... Oh my God Blaine what happened?"Then Kurt realised what was going on and rushed over to him "Blaine focus on my fingers ok?"

Blaine didn't move all he did was breath really heavily "He's here... I feel him... I'm not safe... I'm disgusting." He repeated over and over again.

Kurt hates seeing Blaine like this "Come on Blaine please focus on my fingers." Blaine looked up and focus on his fingers still hardly breathing

Kurt relaxed "Ok now tell me how many fingers I'm holding up while breathing." He nods "5"

Kurt smiles and changes the number. It was working because he was slowing down his breathing a little "2"

Kurt did this for 20 seconds till Blaine's breathing was back to normal.

That is when Blaine just hugged Kurt and started crying "I love you so freaking much you don't even understand how much I do Kurt."

Kurt rubbed his back gesturing Burt to go out the room for a minute "Listen honey You are beautiful and perfect in every single way. Blake isn't here you're safe. I love you so so much and I need you to remember that alright? Now do you want to tell me what happened?"

Blaine just starts speaking "I told him! About... (𝑇𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠 𝑑𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ) About us, and he told me to get out so the first thing I thought of doing was coming here I am sorry."

Kurt was angry but stayed calm "No don't be sorry, how did you get that black eye?"

Blaine looks up "Oh I must have left the part where he beat me up! Erm... that's not all he did."

Kurt shook his head "Ok I will look at that later but for now I need to go talk to my dad about a few things just relax ok, and no thinking of Blake!"

Blaine nods "Ok I will try not to."

"Hey dad, I need to ask you something." Kurt says as he walks into his dads room

"Yeah sure what's up son?" But asked calmly

"Well erm.. Blaine's dad told him to get out of his house so he has no where to go. He is in a pretty bad place right now could he maybe stay here?" Kurt asked desperately

Burt shook his head how could anyone do that to their child. "Yes of course, he can stay for as long as he wants. Does he get them panic attacks often?"

Kurt nods sadly "Yeah I hate seeing him like that."

Burt gave him a smile "Well you sure know how to calm him down. I'm proud of you."

He gave his dad a thankful look "Yeah, well first you got to let him know that he is safe by talking very calmly."

Burt nods "Well you go and be with Blaine make him feel welcome."

Kurt walked into the living room seeing Blaine on the sofa asleep.

"Blainey you can stay here ok? Let's go up to my room. It's more comfortable there." Kurt says softly.

Blaine whispers "I have no pyjamas!"

Kurt smiles "You can have some of mine."

Blaine nods "Ok."

Blaine and Kurt were in their pyjamas cuddling in bed going to sleep as it was pretty late.

Blaine yawns "Can you sing for me?"

Kurt laughs "Ok, oh yeah I tell you something I think you'll understand, when I say that something I wanna hold your hand." He sings the rest of the song softly

Blaine has his head on Kurt's chest "Thank you."

Kurt kisses his boyfriends head "No problem."

And with that they both fell asleep in each other's arms. Forgetting about what Blaine's Father had done to him.

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