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Blaine hasn't been himself recently he has been very distant and really closed off. Everyone has noticed this but didn't want to over step. Kurt on the other hand has had enough of him saying he is ok when he clearly isn't "Blaine, please tell me what's wrong you're clearly not fine."

Blaine sighs "Yes I am stop asking."

Kurt held his hand "I love you ok and I care about you a lot. You don't gel your hair anymore and as much as I love your hair being free that is a dead give away something is wrong."

Blaine shrugs "I don't know why everyone thinks something is wrong I'm completely."

The rest of the glee club told him they know he's not

Mr Shue spoke up "Blaine, Can I see you in my office please? Everyone glee club won't take place today so all of you leave especially you Kurt."

Everyone agreed Kurt did to but very reluctantly


Blaine sat down "What?"

Mr Shue sighs "Blaine I'm going to ask you to do something and if you refuse then you give me my answer anyway."

Blaine nods "Ok what is it?"

Mr Shue locked his door and shut the curtains "Roll up your sleeves."
Blaine was a little shocked then completely scared to do what his teacher had told him. He did so letting Me Shue gasp and look over them "Blaine? Did you do this to your?"

Blaine shook his head "Well not all of it."

Mr Shue nods and sat down next to him "Who did the once you didn't?"

Blaine looks down "It was no one ok just leave me alone I'm messed up and I deserved it just let me leave I don't care they're there just let me go."

Mr Shue unlocked the door "Very well Blaine just take care of yourself ok?"

Blaine stood up but suddenly started feeling faint and fell over a little holding himself up with the desk. Mr Shue lifted him up and noticed how light he was "Blaine?"

But he just fainted Kurt walked back into the Choir room "Mr Shue you guys have been a lo.... OH MY GOD! What the hell happened?" Kurt ran to Blaine's side "Did he tell you anything?"

Mr Shue "A lot more then he has been saying but he told me under strict confidentiality. I'm sorry Kurt I know how much you care for him but I can't tell you."

Kurt understand and tried to pick Blaine up he doesn't know why he did Blaine was probably to heavy for him to carry. However he was very surprised and looked to Mr Shue with worry "Did he say he had...."

Mr Shue shook his head "No but I thought the same thing let's get him to the nurse."


Blaine woke up to see Kurt in tears great another person he loves is hurt because of him "Go a head break up with me I don't want to see you cry."

Kurt wiped his tears away "No Blaine I love you and I'm going to help you your mom is coming to get you she's been filled in."

Blaine rolls his eyes "Great," then became really panicked "wait did you tell my D..."

Kurt shook his head "We're actually gonna call the police once you woke up and told us the truth."

Pam ran in the door "Oh Blaine why have you done this to yourself baby?"

Blaine shrugs "Maybe because I'm not mentally well is that even a question?"

Kurt rolls his eyes "Bee don't be like that she is just worried like everyone else."

Blaine went wide eyed "What do you mean everyone else? Who else knows?"

Kurt looks down "Mr Shue, Sam and Finn."

Pam nods "Your sister also knows she's waiting in the car."

Blaine started punching the bed "Why does everyone know I was keeping it a secret and it's spreading am I really that stupid to think I could hide it forever."

Pam frowns "I'm glad you didn't hide it forever I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you died because your dad was hurt you. You were hurting you."

Few months later

Blaine definitely was doing better he started taking care of himself a lot more still didn't eat much but he did eat something "Kurt? Can we talk?"

Kurt nods and walks with him to find a private place "So what's up?"

Blaine looks down "My therapist is making me uncomfortable."

Kurt hugs him "What is he saying?"

He held Kurt's hand looking at him "He keeps asking some really personal question and I don't think they are relevant."

Kurt raised his eyebrow "Like what?"

Blaine sighs "Like when was the last time kinda 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 I do with you. I just tell him I don't remember but I don't think he should be asking me that."

Kurt smiles "Blaine honey thanks for telling me but I think he's just trying to see what makes you happy and a boy your age I'm sure he'll think that would be something."

Blaine started to relax "So he would ask that to anyone in a relationship?"

Kurt kissed his cheek "Yeah but if talking about that part of our relationship with him makes you uncomfortable tell him he'll understand."


3 months later

Kurt helped Blaine style his curls "See they look good, now that your somewhat better I don't want you ruining your hair with all that gel again."

Blaine giggles "I probably will end up using gel as much as I love you I like my hair being gelled and it makes me feel like me. You love the me me right? Not the mentally ill me right?"

Kurt smiles and kissed him passionately "Of course I love the you you and I didn't realise gelling your hair was made you feel like yourself. But can you at least admit you look hot without it?"

Blaine rolls his eyes he does got to admit he does look pretty hot "Ok yeah I do but I'm not ready to part with my gel yet."

Kurt giggles "Ok I understand will you promise me if you ever feel that way again you'll tell me."

He smiles "Of course I promise, I love you."

Kurt kissed him "Good and o love you too."

A/N: Idk about this one

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