You're ok now

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Blaine is 19 and he has a 3 year old daughter named Rosie, and they're both getting ready to go to the mall to meet up with Nick and Jeff! Blaine still couldn't believe he had a 3 year old at 19!Blaine had a hard time raising her but he loves her with his whole heart and he wishes her no harm and if anyone ever hurt her he wouldn't take it lightly.

He heard crying coming from her room "What's wrong Baby?" Blaine says as he walked into her room

Rosie looked up "I can't find bubba!" Bubba is her little blanket that she won't leave the house without

Blaine frowns and picks her up "Do you know where you had him last baby?"

She shook her head "saw him when I woke up this morning."

Blaine nods "Did you check under your pillow?"

She shook her head again

Blaine walks over to her bed and looked under her pillow was bubba "Naughty bubba hiding under your pillow."

Rosie giggles and takes bubba of Blaine the rests her head on his shoulder,Blaine loves her and doesn't want anything bad to happen to her "You wanna go and see uncle Nicky and uncle Jeffy?"

Rosie nods "Yes pwese!"

Blaine kisses her head and walked to his car, places her in her car seat and started to drive to the mall


Nick and Jeff walked up to Blaine

Nick smiles at how good of an dad he was being even though he was so young "Hey guys,hows my favourite niece?"

Rosie giggles "Uncle Nicky I am your only niwece!!"

Nick raised his hands in defeat "You caught me!"

Jeff grabs nicks hand and rests his head on his shoulder

Blaine became worried Jeff didn't look so good "You alright Jeff you look like you are gonna pass out?"

Nick shook his head "No he's sick?"

Rosie frowns "Uncle Jeffy needs to go."

Blaine nods in agreement "We will come to yours and see you later if you feel better you guys go ok?"

The both nod and go home but Blaine could tell they felt bad.


Rosie came running up to Blaine with tears in her eyes "Daddy!"

Blaine frowns "What's wrong baby?"

Rosie sniffles "That boy over their pushed me over and said that Bubba was stupid."

Blaine picked her up and walked over to boy and bends down two his height "why did you push her?"

The boy shrugged his shoulders "Don't know I just felt like it."

Blaine rolled his eyes "That's not a valid reason at all she is so much smaller then you and you really hurt her."

That is when the boys dad came over to him and say "What's going on here?"

Blaine picked Rosie up again "well you son pushed my daughter over and called her toy stupid."

The boys dad shook his head "Alex that is unacceptable, we have been through this it bad enough you do it to people your own age but this little girl is so much younger then you and she's half of your size! What do you say?"

Alex looked up to Rosie "Sorry for pushing you over and calling the blanket stupid even though it is!"

Rosie started crying again and hid her face in Blaine's neck "bubba is not stupid!"

Blaine was angry at the boy "I know Rosie, please stop crying people are staring."

The boys dad pulled out a tissue for Rosie "Here you go, we can't have these tear stains ruin your beautiful face now can we?"

Rosie shook her head "Thwank you!"

Blaine smiles at the two "are you ok now Rosie?"

Rosie nodded then turns back to that man "My name is Rosie what is your name?"

He laughs "My name is Kurt! What's this called?" Kurt says while pointing at the blanket
Alex left and went to go play again

Rosie holds bubba up "Bubba my uncle coop gave it to mwe bewfore he had to move away to Cwafornia have you ever been there?"

Kurt nods "Yeah I went their when I was 8 after my mom sadly passed away."

Rosie frowns "Sorry about your Mommy. My mommy died two I never met my mommy! Daddy says she was ownly fwivtine when I was born."

Kurt smiles "I am sorry about your mommy."

Rosie smiles back "It's okway! Daddy can I go and plway agwen?"

Blaine giggles "Yes but be careful baby!" Blaine places her on the floor and she goes and plays

Kurt sighs "So you wanna talk for a bit I would love to get to know you"

Blaine smiles "Ok sure."


Kurt and Blaine both sit down,and Kurt orders some water and so does Blaine

Kurt speaks first "So first of all how old are you and your kid?"

Blaine laughs "19, 20 in a couple weeks and Rosie is 3 and she is 4 in June! How about you?"

Kurt nods "ok I just turned 23 last week Alex is 7 and 8 in June funny enough."

Blaine nods "So we both had children when we were 16 huh?"

Kurt smiles "So what happened with you?"

Blaine sighs "Well me and this girl agreed to be each other's beards then one time at a party we both got really drunk and had sex she got pregnant with Rosie and as she was giving birth she died so I raised her all by myself since then. What's your story?"

Kurt nods "Well I was at a gay bar and these homophobic girls came up to me and dragged me out of the bar and then threw me behind a bush and took all of my clothes of and started forcing me to have sex with them. 9 months later I got custody of Alex and she got put in jail."

Blaine gasps "Oh my God! I am so sorry that happened to you."

Kurt nods "Yeah ever since then I haven't really been able to trust people. I have never felt so exposed and weak,I felt like no one was gonna believe me because she's a girl and they didn't until she fessed up, she knew it would either be me or her going to jail she knew what was right for Alex and she knew she deserved to go."

Blaine takes Kurt's had "You're ok now you have Alex and your little family is all you need."

Kurt gave a small smile "Thank you."

a couple minutes later Rosie came up to Blaine "Daddy I'm slewpy"

Blaine smiles and picks her up but before he goes he turns back to Kurt "I loved getting to know you I would love to do this again can I have you number?"

Kurt giggles "Yeah sure."

They exchanged numbers and Blaine went home to let Rosie take a nap

"Daddy,Do you think you and Kurt will fall in love?" Rosie asked nicely

Blaine giggles "I hope so baby I hope so! Ok now you go to sleep." He said while giving her bubba and kissing her on the head.

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