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"Rosie stop doing that!" Kurt said with frustration!

"But Why daddy let's me do it! You're mean!" Rosie pouted

Kurt sighs "Well You can't be doing back-walkovers in the Kitchen while I am trying to Cook! I don't want you to get hurt!!"

Rosie didn't understand "But I wouldn't get hurt there is nothing in here that can hurt me your just being mean I hate you!"

That broke Kurt's heart into a billion pieces

Blaine walks in after a long day of work and shocked at what he was hearing he walked straight to the kitchen and crouched down to Rosie's level "Rosie That is no way to talk to your papa, I am very disappointed in you! Papa doesn't want you to get hurt. The kitchen is very dangerous especially when the hot stove is on! You could get burnt, you could fall and bump into papa and he could get burnt, you could fall into the table! So you see there is a lot of things that can get you hurt in her, but you talking to you Papa like that is not nice and I am very disappointed in you!"

Rosie started crying "I am sorry Daddy I don't want to make you mad!"

Blaine shook his head "I'm not the one you should be apologising to!" He said wiping her tears away.

Rosie nods and turns to look at Kurt "I am sorry Papa, I don't Hate you I Love you! Please forgive me!"

Kurt picked her up "Don't worry princess I forgive you! Now go and go and play in the living room."

Blaine smiles as the little girl ran off "You ok?"

Kurt nods "Now I am, How was work?"

Blaine sighs "The usual! I had a freshman class Twice and the wouldn't stop talking! And then all I had was Senior classes for the Rest of the day!"

Kurt smiles "Hey who is that girl that was having trouble with your class? Is she ok now!"

Blaine was thinking "Oh you mean Stephanie! She a good kid on of my best students. She just doubts herself a lot. She reminds me a lot of myself when I was her age!"

Kurt laughs "You amazing Have I ever told you that?"

Blaine kisses Kurt "Yes but I love hearing it!"

Kurt still laughing "Your such a dork!"

Blaine kisses Kurt again "Ah yes but I'm your dork!"

Kurt smiles "That is very true!"

With that they walk into the living room and watch a film with Rosie and then they all went to bed after they had eaten dinner!

Klaine one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now