A Question?

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This is a genuine Question lol do you guys blame Kurt or Blaine for the break up because I really can't they both did stuff to each other's emotions. Like I'm gonna right the Break up as I see it and I would really love your opinion

Blaine POV

I rang Kurt we haven't talked much this week "Hi Kurt we haven't talked much this week I miss yo...."

Kurt cut me off it upset me he keeps doing it all I want to do is talk to him I love him I at least thought we could work out. "Yeah what sorry Blaine I have to go people are calling me like mad."

I understand it was his job taking up all the time "Ok well I love..." call ends. He didn't even let me tell him I love him he didn't even say he loves me. Does he still love me?

End of POV


Kurt POV:

I can't wait today be and Blaine are having a movie night over Skype but still "Hello Blaine what do you want to watch?"

Blaine smiles "What ever you want."

I giggle "Ok."

Another Skype call tonight I'm so excited as soon as he answered I talked about how New York was doing. The said "How is running for class President if you win you will be making history at that sorry excuse for a school."

Blaine smiles at me "Good I wanted to asked you what bowtie to wear I have narrowed it down to 3."

I cut him off he didn't need to show me "You will look good in what ever one you decide any way today at school." Then I talked about what happened it was really fun today I wanted to tell him everything.

End of POV:


Blaine clicked on this Facebook account that just friend him

Hey sexy
Wanna come over?

Blaine POV:

Kurt has moved on maybe we aren't meant to be at all. I have to move on with my life Kurt won't let me talk to him anymore. He doesn't want me in his life anymore.

What is your address?


No what have I done kurt is the love of my life how could I be so stupid. I'm a horrible person I have to go to New York early I can't live with this guilt although even if I tell I'm I will still be a monster

The guy I friend on Facebook "What's wrong is it because I don't at all look like my profile picture?"

I shook my head "I'm sorry his was a mistake I have to go." So I got up and left. I will forever be a horrible person nothing can change that how could I have been so stupid to think we weren't meant to be of course we were meant to be we are soulmates.


I was walking then Kurt asked what was wrong "I was with someone."

Then I started saying other stuff that didn't make scene. He started crying telling me he was lonely and had temptations but didn't act out. (That is because he was the best boyfriend a guy like me could ask for.) Then he walked away. We are done for good and it's all my fault for not talking to him telling him how I feel. At that moment I truly lost everything that was good in my life. He's gone.... maybe even forever.

A/N: Ok idk this just came to my mind because I really think they we both in the wrong and yes Blaine did something worse than Kurt but we can't just blame it all on Blaine

What do you think??

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