Bad Boy turned Good: Part 1

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Blaine was smoking in a no smoking area in school, but he didn't care. His nails are painted Black, he is wearing a pair of black jeans and a leather jacket with a white top underneath . His curls are styled so three of them are  perfectly in his face. He has eye liner on with black lipstick. He had a black cross in his ear! If an ordinary student walked past him they would say he looked cool!

Kurt walked up to him "Blaine you told me if we started dating you would stop smoking!"

Blaine looks at him and rolls his eyes and continued smoking

Kurt huffs "and your in a no smoking area!"

Blaine shrugged his shoulders "Does it look like I care!"

Kurt crossed his arms "God dam it Blaine Stop it you know I can't inhale this much smoke!"

Blaine didn't want to hurt Kurt he really did love him! His own pain is worth having if it means not making Kurt ill so he stamped out the cigarette "Sorry! I messed up I couldn't help it was a stressful day, come on we can go hang out under our tree yeah?"

Kurt smiles and lends his head on Blaine's shoulder "Thank you for stopping for me! I'm sorry you have to stop because of my stupid asthma I wish I didn't have it!"

Blaine giggles "It's ok I'm not doing myself anyway good smoking anyway! I need to get rid of this bad boy reputation Kurt I don't want to graduate but the way I'm going I'm gonna fail and I'm going to be stuck her for another year! I just don't want to redo senior year Kurt I want to go and be free."

Kurt frowns "But if you do get kept behind you get another year with me!"

Blaine shook his head "As much as I love you I can't stay in this hell whole for much longer! Since you're really smart do you think you can help me get my grades up?"

Kurt thought for a second "Ok, But you have to promise to never be late to a class, cut down on the smoking because I know that you won't stop completely and work as hard as you can!"

Blaine smiles and hugs Kurt "Thank you! I promise."

Kurt kisses his cheek "It's ok you want to start tonight I know you have a Maths and English test Next week because Finn told me hand you're in is class! Oh and stuff I don't know we can ask him."

Blaine nodded slowly then had a sudden pain in his chest "Kurt!" Blaine went wide eyed

Kurt looked at him "Blaine are you ok?"

Blaine shook his head "I love you!" That's when he fell to the ground

Kurt gasps and tearing up he left his phone in his locker! He saw his brother Finn "Finn! Finn!" He shouted

Finn ran over to his brother really concerned "Kurt wha.... don't worry calm down I will call 911!"

Kurt cried "Blainey please don't die!"

Finn took Kurt's hand in his "The ambulance is gonna be here soon! He will be ok he's strong."

Kurt looked at him "It's those stupid cigarettes Finny and the stupid people making him stressed out. I am one of them people because I have asthma so he has to stamp them out when ever I'm near I stress him out Finny that's why he does it."

Finn only ever got called Finny by Kurt when he was upset Finn knew Kurt was heart broken "Shhhhh its not your fault ok. Look the abundance is here now everything is going to be ok"


"Is Blaine Anderson's Family here?" A doctor called out

Kurt walked up to the doctor "No but I'm his boyfriend his parents kicked him out! I can call his older brother?"

The doctor smiles "It's ok we have called him we talk to Blaine he's awake and doing better, his lungs were filled with a lot of smoke that his probably what caused it."

Kurt was confused "Are you meant to be telling me any of this?"

The doctor giggles "No but he's been asking for you every since he woke up so it can be our little secret! I can tell you really care about each other you remind me of me and my Fiancé when we were your age!"

Kurt smiles "Well fingers crossed marriage equality happens soon!"

The doctor nods "Yep I'm doctor Colfer!"

Kurt smiles "I'm..."

Dr. Colfer cut him off "Kurt I know you can go and see him I assume this is your brother Finn?"

Kurt nods "How long did you guys talk?"

Dr. Colfer laughs "A while I like to get to know my patients before they see anybody!"

Kurt shakes his hand "Thank you!"


"Blaine?" Kurt says walking in the door he saw Blaine was sleeping so he gently nudged him

Blaine opened his eyes and smiled "Hi!"

Kurt smiles sadly "Hey!"

Blaine moves up on the bed to make room for Kurt which he happily excepted

Blaine rested his head on Kurt's shoulder "Can we still study?"

Kurt smiles "Ok but first you have a couple hours sleep you need rest!"

Blaine frowns "I wish I never started smoking I need to stop this All of it!"

Kurt nods "I know baby, but we can solve that it later you just rest ok?!"

Blaine nods "Ok!" With that Blaine had fallen asleep

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