After The First Time

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Kurt sighs "Blaine?" He Sighs "What's up?" Kurt kisses his head "That was really perfect like so perfect thank you." Blaine giggles "Do you think your dad will be mad?"

Kurt shook his head "I would say he will never find out but I will probably end up telling him or he will just know. He won't be mad just as long as you don't run off."

Blaine kisses Kurt on the lips "I would never do that. Is it bad that I'm upset we could do this at my house?"

Kurt raised an eyebrow "What do you mean?"

Blaine sat up "Well my parents are never home they come and check on me but they are mostly in LA."

Kurt nods "Well I'm glad it happened tonight. You are always welcome to come to my house be part of my family. Honestly my dad loves you like a son so you already are. Obviously as a potential in law it would be weird any other way."

Blaine giggles "I know what you mean. I love you."

Kurt cuddles with him "Love you too. I will text my dad say that I'm sleeping over at your house."


Kurt texting POV:

You: hey dad I'm gonna stay over at Blaine's is that ok?

Dad ❤️: Yeah maybe tomorrow we can do something to celebrate how amazing you were tonight? Get to do it again tomorrow and I will be there again cheering you on x

You: I'm pretty sure you will love Blaine's performance more than you did tonight. ☺️

Dad ❤️: I'm glad you told me in a way that I somehow understood. I'm glad you trust him enough did you do everything safely?

You: Yeah dad. Blaine is a really nice guy and he asked me if I was ok he never stopped asking actually.

Dad ❤️: well as long as you're ok sleep well and I love you.

You: love you too ❤️🥰


Blaine comes out of the bathroom "You can go get cleaned up now."

Kurt sighs "I know this is disgusting but I really can't be bothered it's been a long night I just need to go to bed."

Blaine hugs him "I would honestly not mind you doing that if you were anyone else but I know you're gonna be upset in the morning at least wash your face brush your teeth and get pyjamas on? I have the ones you love borrowing when you sleep over."

Kurt got up "ugg what would I do without you?"

Blaine giggles "Probably think you have something missing I know I would."

Kurt smiles "It was a rhetorical question but yeah that's how I would feel too."

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