Gender reveal 

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"Quinn are you ok do you need anything water maybe? Food I can get you something to eat!" Kurt asked nervously

Blaine sighs "Honey calm down! Quinn is having our baby not Giving you a record deal! I am sure if She wanted anything she would ask."

Quinn nods "Yep I am fine for now,Puck come here I want cuddles!"

Puck walked over to Quinn letting her cuddle him "So boys you come up with any names yet?"

Blaine sits on the chair "Yes we have! So we were thinking if the baby is a girl then Ava or Olive and for a boy Charlie or Alfie!"

Puck smiles "Olive is a nice name!"

Kurt sits on the arm of the chair "Yeah well Blaine came up with Olive! We both like the name actually."

Quinn rubs her belly "Well I know it a girl I just have this feeling you know!"

Blaine smiles at Quinn "Yes exactly I have been telling Kurt that for weeks but he is adamant it is a Boy!"

Quinn nods "So is Puck!"


Gender reveal:

Blaine got out his camera and started filming "Hey I'm your daddy! Today we are gonna find out if you are a boy or girl!!"

Blaine walks to all the Guests "This is you're Aunty Rachel! This is a video for the baby! Do you think it's a boy or a Girl?"

Rachel smiles "Girl!"

Blaine laughs "Yes! Ok bye Aunty Rachel!" He then went to Quinn "What about you Aunty Quinn Girl or boy!"

Quinn think she looks terrible right now "Well first of Love you baby but if you hurt me I might say some very mean stuff but I don't mean it! Also Girl."

Blaine nods comfortable "This is your papa he is Baking a cake right now so he know what you are! Any clues baby? Maybe a hint!"

Kurt laughs "Blaine get the camera out of my face!"

Blaine frowns "At least say hi to you child Kurtie!"

Kurt rolls his eyes "papa loves you very much but if your Daddy doesn't stop calling me Kurtie he might never get to meet you!"

Blaine looked hurt but turned the camera off "Ok I will leave you alone! Love you!" He says after Kurt Kurt's cheek

Kurt giggles "I love you too but I would love you more if you would let be sort this cake ok!"


"Who's ready to find it the gender?" Kurt shouted

Everyone shouted back "Me!"

Kurt gave Blaine the knife

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Kurt gave Blaine the knife

Blaine smiles "Ok Time to cut the cake!"

Blaine had tears in his eyes when he saw what colour the cake was "Wait Quinn see it first then you can all know!"

Quinn walked and looked at the cake then looked at Blaine and "We were right!" She whispers

Blaine nods then turns the cake around slowly "It's a...."

"Girl!" He Finally said!

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"Girl!" He Finally said!

Everyone congratulated them and went home! Apart from Rachel since they were sleeping there

"Uncle B does that means I will have a baby girl cousin?" Denies asked

Blaine smiles "Yes not by blood though since it isn't my child biologically."

Denies was confused "But why?"

Blaine nods "Ok well Quinn his carrying the baby so only one of us could be the biological dad to the baby make sense?"

Denies thought for a second "I think! So you and uncle Kurt couldn't have a baby that is both biologically yours because you're both boys and you need a girl to help you am I right?"

Blaine picked up denies "Exactly! Your very smart you know that?"

Denies nods "Yes I know that!"

Blaine laughs and brings her to Rachel "I will give you to your Mommy!"

Rachel sighs "Blaine can you be the best brother in the world and play with her for a Bit Dylan won't stop crying!"

Blaine rolled his eyes "Fine but if I ever need help with Ava or Olive I don't know what name were picking yet! Wait I have an idea Kurt. Why don't we name her Ava Olive Ander-Hummel!"

Kurt gasps "Oh my God I love that Blaine your a Genius!"

Blaine smiles "Back to what I was saying if I need help with Ava you have to do it!"

Rachel kisses her brothers Cheek "Thank you! Yes I will do that!!"

The End!

A/N: Idk why I like having Blaine and Rachel Brother and sister!! Anyway if you don't like it let me know and I will stop! Thanks for reading.

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