Karofsky walks up to Kurt and pushed him into a Locker "Watch where you're going Fairy!"
The rest of the football team laughs apart from Blaine who waits until the rest of the team has gone and walks to help Kurt up
Kurt became tense "please leave me alone I'll give you anything you want just please leave."
Blaine hated seeing them hurt his boyfriend But he is gay to and they know about their relationship but since he is part of the football team they don't do anything "Kurt it's me calm down. I am taking you home you've had quite enough of this today."
Kurt takes his boyfriends hand "Why me?"
Blaine was confused "What do you mean?"
Kurt sighs "Why me? I mean you're so popular and I'm just a well...: me"
Blaine kissed his cheek "Because I love you!"
Kurt was a little shocked because they hadn't said that to each other yet "Really? You Love me"
Blaine nods "More then anything."
Kurt rested his head on Blaine's shoulder "I love you too, and thank you."
Blaine raised an eyebrow "What for?" Kurt lifted his head up and gave him a smile "Just Thank you."