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Thad sighs "Ok everyone since me and Wes and David are the Council we will be the team captain's and pick a person each till there is no one left."

Blaine sighs "I'm going with Wes I'm going home if I'm with anyone else."

Wes smiles "Well good thing I'm going first come here blainers."

Blaine was shocked "Wow I never get anything I ask for."

Everyone laughs

Thad rolls his eyes "Ok I pick Jeff."

David nods "Kurt."

Wes looks around "Nick."

Blaine smiles "YES!"


Thad septs back "Ok so on my team we have Jeff and Sebastian on Wes' team we have Blaine and Nick and on David's team we have Kurt and Hunter. Ok let's get on with the tournament!"

Blaine walks up to Kurt "Good luck Kiss?"

Kurt laughs and kisses him "We are now enemies no looking at me the whole thing."

Blaine rolls his eyes playfully "That's gonna be very hard."

Kurt hugs him "I was kidding but that is the last kiss you're are gonna get for a while. So just think about the Celebration kiss you will give me when I win."

Blaine giggles "Ooooo Don't flatter yourself. Bye "

Kurt smiles "See you in a bit"


Blaine wined "Why are you putting me against Kurt that is so unfair."

Nick nods in agreement "Wes you can't do that you didn't put me against Jeff."

Wes rolls his eyes "It's a game just stop being a baby."

Blaine looks him straight in the eye "No but you see you don't understand I DON'T WANT TO HURT HIM YOU IDIOT. This isn't just any game this means hurting him and I don't want too."

Wes shook his head "It's not that big of a deal."

Blaine became very angry "Do you not understand how many Boxing machetes I have won? Against Guys a lot bigger than Kurt."

Wes nods "Yeah exactly why you're going against him."

Blaine took a deep breath "Fine if you won't listen to me. Guys I forfeit I will wait over there till everything is over."

Thad cheers "Wes your whole team is disqualified Bye."

Wes huffs "Blaine why did you do that we could have finally won this year."

Blaine smiles sarcastically "Good For you." Blaine lays down on the grass and closed his eyes "You know when you find someone Wes. I will tell you that you have to pin her to the ground to win a stupid plastic trophy that you can by for $2 at the party shop. Then you'll know why."

Wes rolls his eyes "It's different though because she would be a girl that's just wrong. It would be really unfair and no chance she would win."

Blaine could not believe what he was hearing so he sat up and spoke "One that is the most sexiest thing I have ever heard. 2nd just because Kurt is a guy doesn't mean it isn't unfair. He has never fought with anyone he wouldn't hurt a single sole. Putting him against me who is in a fight club and won 1st place in not one or two but 3 Boxing tournaments in a row. That's the unfair advantage Wes not his gender. I would of had to let him win I couldn't hurt him I care about him too much. I also hope that you noticed the fact the Minute I leave they replaced Kurt with Hunter."

Wes nods "Yeah and he went against Sebastian like I said you're being a baby."

Blaine stood up "Ok come with me right now. Hey Hunter Seb great match."

Hunter nods "Yeah Seb won but it was very close."

Sebastian giggles "Sorry I hurt you."

Hunter kisses his cheek "It fine I get hurt all the time."

Blaine looks at Wes "Ok so I have a Question. So you both do boxing which means fair fight right? Either on of you could win the other gets hurt no big deal you box together all the time. It's part of you relationship."

Hunter nods "Yeah it's really fun."

Blaine smiles "But what if one of you had never boxes before you feel this feeling with each other still. The only difference was one of you had never boxed it was really unfair because obviously you would win because you box and the other has never fought against or with someone before. Would you have still boxed each other today?"

Hunter shook his head "No I wouldn't hurt him ever. He boxes so it's fine but only for that reason and we are mega careful and stretched and stuff so we actually only give each other minor injuries."

Sebastian nods in agreement "Yeah I don't know what I would do if I hurt him badly."

Blaine smiles he was very happy "Thank you guys I know that might have been weir....."

Kurt ran up and hugged Blaine "Thank you so much I thought I was gonna die. Oh my god that was the scariest moment of my life. I never want to almost die ever again."

Hunter eyes widened "Wes? David? Were you gonna make them fight against each other?"

David nodded "Duh he was the only person that hadn't done 3 games yet. It was just a coincidence that Blaine hadn't either."

Wes looked down "Blaine did."

Sebastian was shocked "I knew something was going on when Blaine forfeited."

Hunter shook his head "I stepped in for Kurt since Sebastian was going on instead. I thought you were putting Nick on since he doesn't box and it would be fair."

Kurt hugs Blaine tighter "If you were made to fight me would you fight or just let me win?"

Blaine took Kurt's and and took him away from the warblers fighting "I would never ever hurt you ok and I would rather let you win a stupid plastic trophy the hurt you."

Kurt kisses him "I love you."

Blaine froze for about 3 seconds before he smiles and replies with "I love you too."

Klaine one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now