7 year later

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A/N: I have been bored today so that's why I am updating a lot I hope you don't mind! This is gonna be set 7 years after 'Little'

Kurt smiles at how goofy Blaine and Lizzie are "You to are going to be the death of me one day!"

Lizzie frowns "Am I really that bad?"

Blaine laughs "Honey don't worry it's just what people are being a little annoying! They don't literally mean that they will die because of you one day,and anyway annoying people have more fun!"

Lizzie smiles "Ok! Sorry for being annoying papa!"

Kurt giggles "It's mainly just your dad!"

Lizzie nods "Someone at school today said that I was adopted and that you guys aren't my real parents! Is that true?"

Kurt and Blaine look at each other, Kurt nods to say Blaine can explain.

Blaine puts her on the coffee table so she was at eye level "Ok so you know how we told you that you two things to make a baby! Well you see we used a surrogate to carry you for use since nether me or papa have a whom for you to grow! So your biologically father is papa but we both love you the same. Are you understanding what I am saying?"

Lizzie shook her head "Not really?"

Blaine nods and grabs his guitar!

Blaine checks it's tuned "Ok well basically your not adopted! Aunty Rachel is who gave birth to you and sine She is my sister Papa gave the other thing that Rachel needs to grow a baby which is you! We asked Rachel's you would still be biologically connected to me that is why we a both allergic to nuts it's something that almost all of my family has! Anyway I didn't want you to feel upset so I wrote you this song. It's a song about us and that I will always be here for you when you need it!"

Lizzie nods and smiles sadly "Ok."

They're cleaning up the confetti
It's an empty room
Plastic cups in the corner
Many times you have carried me
Higher up than I could reach
But this time you're on my shoulders
And while there's something to talk about
And while there's something to say
I promise you
I won't be gone on the day the dance is over
I will be your song
Keep holding on
On the day that the dance is over
I will be your song
You can put away your costume
You can be yourself
There is nothing to be scared of
They can turn all the lights out
Leave us standing in the dark
But I'm not going anywhere, love
And while there's something to talk about
And while there's something to say
I promise you
I won't be gone on the day the dance is over
I will be your song
Keep holding on
On the day the dance is over
I will be your song
I know the party is over
I know that all good things must end
But I believe there is music in the silence
And while there's something to talk about
And while there's something to say
I promise you
I won't be gone on the day the dance is over
I will be your song
Keep holding on
On the day that the dance is over
I will be your song


Lizzie was crying but with a smile on her face Blaine put his guitar down. As soon as he did that Lizzie fell in his arms!

Blaine rubs her back

Lizzie sniffles "I Love you Daddy!"

Blaine heart melted in happiness "I love you to sweetheart!"

Kurt wiped a fallen tear "How about we all go out for dinner how does that sound?"

Everyone agreed

4 hours later

Lizzie is asleep in bed.Kurt and Blaine are snuggling in their room!

Kurt sighs "That was a lovely song you sang to Lizzie Blaine!"

Blaine smiles "Well I wanted her to know I was there for her I started writing it when she was born the finished it a couple weeks ago I wanted it to be perfect!"

Kurt snuggles tighter "You like writing songs for people! Why didn't you do that for a living instead of becoming a doctor?"

Blaine giggles "I don't know I guess I just like helping people and I'm also the children ward entertainment! They love music there is this one kid named Ricky he's 5 his parents sadly died a while back so he is in a children's home now,he got beat up by a couple guys there so he is in hospital he's so cute! Anyway the point why I was talking about him. He has a great passion for music he is really good as well he always helps me with my music shows!"

Kurt smiles "You want to adopt him don't you?"

Blaine gasps "Wha... no..... huh! I didn't say that! Since YOU brought it up that would be a nice Idea!"

Kurt rolls his eyes "Well I'm down if you are?"

Blaine giggles "Good because I have already asked if we can meet up and talk about it with the care home!"

Kurt sighs "Well he sounds like a very lovely little boy, but you do realise we have 7 year old! Who we need to tell!"


Edit: the song is the day that the dance is over By Darren Criss

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