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Was it still illegal to murder someone when you had the perfect excuse to?

I was debating whether or not to kill them, and deciding if it would be Paxton or Alex first. They’d both messed up at least a million times in my book, and it was just so hard to choose which one would die first.

First of all, Alex had known Paxton knew I was a girl, for god knows how long, and didn’t tell me when it involved my secret. I think that would have been useful information to know, considering that if Paxton accidentally told someone, I’d be expelled. When I also asked Alex why on earth he’d kept it a secret, he refused to tell me, only deepening my anger. Why wouldn’t he tell me? We were best friends! Roomates! I thought he was supposed to tell me this sort of stuff!

Second of all, Paxton knew my secret. Now, this was all hunky dory. I couldn’t care less, to be honest, because I totally trusted him in every way, shape and form. But the fact that neither of them told me made me think there was something to hide. Had he told someone else, and that was why he didn’t tell me, in fear of being interrogated? Maybe he just didn’t want to tell me. I didn’t know; the possibilities were endless.

Either way, I was freaking pissed.

“Hey Paxton!”

I screamed at the mahogany door, ruthlessly beating it down with my fist in a series of loud knocks that I thought would badly bruise my knuckles in the aftermath. After a moment of screaming, the door opened, revealing Paxton with a pencil tucked behind his ear and a textbook in his left hand. He must’ve been studying. Well, he wouldn’t be when I was done with him.

He smiled, glad to see me. He must’ve missed the P.O.’d expression that was clearly stamped on my face. “Hi, Ron. What goes on?” He asked, taking the pen out from behind his ear.

“I have some questions to ask you.” I told him sternly, crossing my arms across my chest and pursing my lips.

An eyebrow rose alongside his curiosity, and he nodded. “Okay. Do you want to come in?” He asked me, “My roommate’s gone.”

I shrugged, waiting for him to open the door so that I could storm in properly. Now that I thought about it, I’d never been in Paxton’s dorm. It looked basically like Alex’s and mine’s, but only the walls were painted a darker blue, the sheets on the bed were green, and all of their crap was scattered around in different places than ours.

“Sit down.” He directed me, ushering me to the couch over by their TV. I reluctantly sat down at the furthest spot away from him, my arms still crossed and my lips still pursed. He looked at me with surprised eyes, but I just couldn’t wait to chastise him.

“So, what’s up?” He asked me, trying his best to smile.

I scowled at him, gritting my teeth together. “My rage.”


“Alright!” I interjected, clapping my hands to silence him. I turned on the couch so that I could make eye contact with him and tell him to his face how mad I was, “So, question number 1:…are we friends?” I asked him, having the whole conversation been mapped out in my head on my way here. This including him begging for my forgiveness in the end.

He paused, looking at me as if it were a trick question, “Um…well, yeah. Of course we are. The very best.” He said, giving me a smile.

My anger knot slowly lessened, but quickly tightened again, “So, you’d never ever, lie to me, correct?”

His eyes seemed to widen a bit, and he knew what I was talking about. He pursed his lips, pressing them into a straight line, “Yeah.”

Suddenly, I could almost feel all of my anger wash away like footprints on the beach; being replaced by heartbreak and bitter sadness. I felt my voice quiver, “Then why did you?” I asked his softly, because I couldn’t muster up the nerve to scream it like the plan in my head had said.

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