Family Day

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A week went by quicker than I thought.

Within what felt like the drop of a hat, it was December 15th, a day before Family Day, and I’d heard absolutely no word from Victoria.

“I’m freaking out.” I panted, almost pulling the hair out of my head. “Freaking out, damn it!” I snapped, beads of perspiration running down my temples as I sat down tensely on my bed.

“You’ve heard no word from her?” Alex said, his eyes wide as he peered at me from his upper bunk.

I looked up at him, grimacing, “Yes! No word! And tomorrow, we have the freaking family day!” I said, running a hand through my hair nervously.

“Calm down,” Alex sighed, getting down from his bunk, and sitting down on the ladder, “Just call her.”

I rolled my eyes, frowned, “Yeah, let me just do that. I haven’t thought of that at all.” I scoffed sarcastically. “Thank you, Captain Obvious.”

“Well, you’re welcome Sergeant Sarcastic.” He muttered under his breath, frowning.

Right before I could say anything back to Alex, I suddenly heard a knock at the door. I sighed. The last thing I needed right now was to deal with other people. What I did need was for Vic to answer my friggin calls!

“I’ll be right there!” I sighed, getting up.


Paxton’s POV

“I’ll be right there!” I heard Ron’s voice call from the other side of the door.

I waited nervously on the other side of the door, squirming and fiddling with my thumbs. I couldn’t be around Ron without getting this way anymore. I was so on edge. Ron was a girl! I’d been dealing with the fact for a week at this point, but I still couldn’t believe it.

The weight on my conscience was almost too much to bear. What was I supposed to do? I mean, I couldn’t just go up to her and say ‘Oh, hi, I overheard you and Alex talking about you being a girl. Not to mention, I’ve been totally in love with you since you moved here in second grade.’

No. That wouldn’t float my boat. Or hers, for that matter.

But not only was the crushing guilt of knowing her secret forced upon me, but I’d also told her that I had a crush on her. What was I thinking? I mean, Ron looked creeped out when I thought he was really Veronica’s brother. But now that I know he is Veronica, it must be a thousand times worse! Ugh! I was an idiot!

My mind flashed back to the day I saw her last as a girl. That was the last day I’d spent.. Home. I’d bumped into her…somewhat intentionally. Not to hurt her, or anything, but just to get her attention! I mean, I wanted closure. I wanted to see her for what I thought would be the last time.

I felt so bad to act like I had no clue who she was; I just didn’t want to make it obvious that I was the closest thing to a stalker there was. Whenever I got a chance to, I’d stare at her, undisturbed. Like that time in the library, where I’d watched her reading her book, Mice and Men.

…Oh my god.

I was such a stalker.

Immediately, Ron opened up the door, her face lighting up when she saw us. Oh dear lord. She was so…girly. How could I have missed it? I mean, she was the size of a girl, about 5 foot 8, and probably 100 pounds, no muscle. Not to mention, she had the cutest face probably ever. She had all the features of a girl; I must’ve been too blind to notice.

“Hey, Paxton!” She said, grinning, her now dark blue eyes lighting up. “What’s up?”

Gathering my thoughts, I tried to remember what ever possessed me to come here, “O-Oh yeah.” I muttered, “I wanted to come by to tell you that Drake, Aaron, Parker and I were going to go meet our families in the auditorium. Do you wanna come?” I looked behind her, narrowing my eyes at Alex, “And I s’pose Grey can come.”

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