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Alex's POV

"Alexander, Alexander!" The hazy voice beckoned. I felt my body rock like a boat in some not too calm waters. Shaking my head, I opened my eyelids, struggling to see who it was through the dark.

"W-What is it?" I yawned, rubbing my eyes.

"I had a nightmare." She said, her lower lip trembling, her cheeks streaked with sliver tears. "And the storm clouds are scaring me! What if the lightening hits us?" She panicked.

I almost chuckled at her silly paranoia, "Don't be afraid of the lightening," I said, ruffling her mane of black curls, "It won't hit us."

She clung her teddy bear for dear life, "B-But what if it does, huh?"

"Then, I'll save you." I said, smiling.

Even through the pitch black darkness, I could see her big blue eyes glint with appreciation. Her long, pale arms wrapped around me, engulfing me in a warm, welcoming hug. I sighed with happiness; this is where I wanted to stay forever. In her arms was the only place I felt pure love.

Suddenly, a huge crack of lightening pierced the sky, lighting up the room in a horrifying electric blue sheen. She let out a blood curdling scream and jumped onto my bed, huddled up in the fetal position. I would have laughed if it weren't for the genuine fear in her eyes, and her tiny body shaking. I wrapped my arms around her, lying down next to her and stroking her hair slowly.

"T-Thanks." She said, her voice quivering, wiping her nose with the back of her hand.

I stroked her long cascading hair, taking in her scent. "No problem, sis." I said, pecking her tear streaked cheek, "Now get some rest; the lightening can't get you from in here."

She stiffened in my arms and rested her head within the crook of my neck snuggly, having just fit between my cheek and the pillow, "B-But what about the monsters?"

I raised a brow curiously, "What monsters?"

"T-The monsters in my dreams!" She shivered. Her voice got choppier and her lip quivered even more, a waterfall of tears falling down her eyes and onto my pillow, "The ones that tried to get you, Daddy and Momma, big brother and me."

I let out a soft chuckle, hugging her, giving her another soft peck on the cheek, "Don't worry, sis. I'll kill any monsters that try to get near you."

"But they were strong." She said uneasily, trembling in my arms. "What if you get taken, who will protect you?"

"Whatever happens, you'll just have to trust me," I said, petting her hair lovingly. "You do trust me, right?"

I could feel her head nod, "Of course I do." She slurred obediently, finally nodding of to sleep in my arms.

I smiled, and tightened my grip on her, never wanting to let her go. I wanted to stay frozen in space like this forever, the only thing making a sound being our heartbeat and the hushed pattern of our breath. I wanted to hold her; never to have her be savagely ripped away from me. I would never hurt her, and no one ever would get a chance to, so long as I had a say in it. Only someone cruel would want to hurt her, and I was living in a world where nothing was cruel, nothing was harsh; a façade in which I was the prince of the world, and she was the princess. The façade in which I'd adorn her with rose petals and cater to her every whim just to see her eyes light up and the smile on her face. This was all I ever wanted to do: make her happy.. But I was just a child at the mere age of 10, and she was a meager 5 year old. I thought the world of her, and thought I was big enough to protect her from all the harm on the planet. So long as I was there to protect her, no harm would come to her. I was her knight in shining armor. I was born to keep her safe. And I would. No matter what.

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