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“Here you are.” Katie said, ushering us to a table and waiting for us all to be seated. Once we all took a seat around the table, she passed out the menus. “I’ll bring you all some water.” She said bitterly, sparing an angry glance at Parker one last time before she walked off.

“Well, I think the plan’s working.” Paxton said to Parker the moment Katie stormed off.

Parker’s grin spread wide, “You think?” He said giddily.

“What plan?” The girls asked curiously.

Was it bad that I felt like punching them in the face?


“Parker’s trying to make Katie jealous.” Drake said, looking over the menu after telling a joke to Jamie. Jamie giggled.

Melanie’s big green eyes looked over to me curiously, “So you two aren’t dating?”

I shook my head, “God, no.” Parker and I scoffed in unison.

Melanie flashed a look to Alex, smiling wide. Alex nodded back to her, a smile tugging at his lips.

What was that?

I felt myself claw at the table.

Why do they keep smiling at each other!?

I wondered where the closest anger management classes were.

“Aw, that’s too bad. You two make a cute couple.” Casey said, frowning while Paxton grimaced at the thought.

If I had any water, I’d spit it out right now. All over Alex and Paxton’s dates. That was disgusting to even theorize about! Parker was the last person I’d ever date! Not only was he my friend, but he's madly in love with Katie. Not to mention he thinks I'm a boy.

“No, we really wouldn’t.” Parker shook his head determinedly. I suppose he was sticking to the plan to make everyone think I was a girl. If they thought I was a boy, that would be rather awkward to know the lengths that Parker went to make Katie jealous.

“Well, I think so.” Casey disagreed cheerily, clasping her hands together. Chalk it up to the ones getting to date everyone I loved to make me mad.

Speaking of Alex, Alex pursed his lips, his face getting rather angry. I turned to Paxton, who seemed like he was about to have a tantrum as well. They both seemed peevish. I raised a brow. What was wrong with them?

“Alright. I’ve got your water.” Katie’s voice suddenly came from behind us as she walked up closer. The round of drinks were on a tray and she went around the circular table, distributing them one by one. Once she reached Parker and I, she handed Parker his drink reluctantly. The last drink on the tray she had was mine, and her eyes pierced through mine. I felt rather intimidated by her with her bright green eyes that narrowed into slits like a snake and I was her pray. Just then, as she went to grab the water, it seemed to slide out of her palm when it fell, spluttering all over me. I let out a girlish yelp and jumped from my seat as the cold water hit my stomach.

Her narrowed eyes continued to stare me down, “Oops.” She said with a little grin, not one hint of regret in her voice.

The whole table stared at her in shock, completely surprised at her. I turned my head back to her angrily, “What the hell is your problem?” I shrieked, flapping my arms to try to get the water off of me.

Katie set the tray on the table angrily, her face contorting into a scowl, “I don’t have a goddamn problem! You have the problem!” She hissed.

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