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Alex’s POV

I hated crowds so much.

Swarms of guys were rushing to get to their parents; not leaving any open space for me to get to mine. Not that I wanted to, but if they weren’t accounted for I’d have to bring them into a conference, which would be even worse.

Finally, I’d shaken off most of the crowd. I kind of felt bad for leaving while Ron was still freaking out about her plan; but I knew if I stayed, she’d be begging to meet my parents, something I wouldn’t want to burden even my worst enemy with doing.

…Eh, maybe Paxton.

Yeah, Paxton.

Speaking of the devil.

“Yo, Grey,” Paxton shouted, that moment feeling a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around, narrowing my eyes. I sighed, eyeing the girl next to him. Did she ever leave? “Hey, Adamson. I thought I sensed failure emitting from this room.”

Paxton rolled his eyes, “Have you seen Ron around?” He said, ignoring me.

“No, what am I? His babysitter?” I said, rolling my eyes, “Now will you let me leave? I have better things to do then talk to you; like kill myself.”

Paxton grimaced, pursing his lips, “I was just asking, Grey. And I do have to look over you,” He said, smirking, “I am your mentor.”

I narrowed my eyes angrily. He’d never let that go.

“Anyway, I have to go—” I began to say, but something caught my attention. Someone behind Paxton tapped his shoulder, and I froze in my tracks. I felt my face heat up as she moved out of the way and revealed herself.

Oh my god.

“Hi,” She said grinning ear to ear, “You look familiar. Do I know you?"

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