Prince of Darkness

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(Alex's POV)

"She's dead."

There was an unbearable silence. The only thing audible was the restless beating of my blood pounding in my ears. I couldn't believe what he'd just said.

My father paused, setting the phone down. "The police found her body." He said, his voice getting shaky and his gait quivering as he walked over to the couch, "They said she was...she was found dead in an ally." That was when he suddenly broke down, sobbing like I'd never seen him do before.

My mother let out a shriek, "She's dead?!" My mother asked, tears streaming down her face as she gripped my arms tighter then I thought physically possible.

"What did you do, Alexander?!" He screamed at me, like I was his worst enemy.

Hot tears stung my eyes as they flowed from my eyes more then they'd ever done before, "I-I don't know!"

"But she was just with you! I told you to watch over her!" My father screamed in a menacing tone. I'd heard him use voice on people he didn't like, or those who complicated things. But never me. And I didn't like it; not one bit.

"I-I'm sorry! We were walking and she just dissapeared!" I said shakily, my tears clogging my throat.

"My baby!" My mother cried, finally breaking down into my father's strong, muscular arms. My father stroked her hair as the tears, that I once thought were nonexistent, brimmed his eyes and fell on her charcoal locks, flowing down them like a river.

"You're a murderer." My father muttered under his breath, a look of wary disappointment and anger in his now black, abysmal eyes.

I didn't understand what he'd said, so my tiny, weak voice spoke up and asked him what he said, even though I now resent it to this day.

His face grew red and his tears fell like a raging ocean, fierce and untamed. "You're a murderer!" He screamed at me, "Murderer! Murderer!" He screamed like that repeatedly until he was blue in the face.

"I-I'm sorry, daddy!" I sobbed, slowly sinking to the floor pathetically, crying into my hands.

"Don't call me that!" He hissed, cringing, "I am your father!" He barked, his tone one I'd never heard before, but the only one I'd been hearing for the next years of my existence. "Do you hear me? FAT-HER. No longer 'daddy.'"

He straightened his posture, but the horrible pain and loss was etched in those unforgiving eyes for eternity.


"No if's, and's, or but's!" He paused. "I forgave you not once, but twice before. You let me down. Now I am your father, and you are just Alexander,"

His voice suddenly got raspy, and his throat seemed like it had sand rubbed against it, "The murderer of my only daughter."


I woke up, my body drenched in a cold sweat. I let out a scream the second after I took in a huge, needy breath.

I saw Ron's at the end of my bed flinch, emitting a large thump as her shocked body hit the ground, "Ah! What the hell!" She screamed, getting up and rubbing her head in confusion, squinting her eyes. Her wig fell off.

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