The Truth Hurts

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Paxton's POV

"He's a weird little creature, isn't he?" Aaron said, grinning as Ron scampered out of the lunch room.

Alex's confused eyes trailed Ron as he escaped the room completely. What was he up to? I didn't want him tainting poor Ron's mind. Stupid Grey.

"I suppose so," I muttered, taking a sip from my water bottle, watching as Ron ran around to another corner, until he was out of sight. Alex turned back to the table as soon as Ron disappeared, blinking a few times to get the scene out of his mind.

"What do you think, Grey?" I tested him, smirking.

He looked up, blinking again, "H-Huh?" He muttered, confused.

I huffed, pursing my lips. Of course he wasn't paying attention.

"We were saying Ron's a weird kid." Parker laughed, smirking a little bit.

"Oh," Alex said, nonchalantly, like he knew what we were talking about the whole time, "Yeah. He is." He said tensely, tapping his fingers on the table. I squinted my eyes, staring at him. What was up with him?

"Take a picture," Alex snapped at me after a long moment of silence, "It'll last longer." He smirked, as he noticed my intent staring at him.

I narrowed my eyes even more, and scrunched my nose, "I love how modest you are."

"Don't we all?" He smirked. He paused, and then looked behind his shoulder. There was that weird attitude again. "Um...I'll be right back." He muttered, standing up so fast, my vision of him was blurred, then he sprinted off without a word, then same way that Ron went.

Something was wrong.

Something was really wrong.

"Weird." Drake said, his eyes holding confusion mixed with a feeling of being weirded out, even for Alex.

I frowned. I needed to do something about this; something was off. When Ron got here, he was never this buddy-buddy with Alex. Now, they were following each other around like a mother goose and its ducklings.

"I'll be right back, too." I muttered, getting up and following slowly behind Alex, ignoring the murmurs from Aaron, Drake, and Parker.

I was about ten feet behind Alex as he crept through the halls, following after where he assumed Ron had gone. Suddenly, I heard the slam of a door, and Alex was running towards it. I sighed, running quietly after him, not to be seen. I wanted to be like a sleuth, something I failed at miserably, evidence showing in my heavy breathing and my stupid sneakers that squeaked like hell.

I turned the corner slowly, seeing a confrontational Alex frowning at Ron. Oh my god! So they were friends! I knew it! Ron was such a liar! I drew my head in a tad bit closer, just to hear what they were discussing.

"You're going to give me a stroke one day, Ron." I heard Alex say, shaking his head.

Ron frowned, furrowing his brows. He looked pissed. "Well, at least I'm trying! Plus, my sister's never let me down before! Just trust her!"

Sister? Did he mean Ronnie? But, I think he had another sister a grade or two ahead. I'd seen her walking with Ronnie to school. The skinny, copper haired one who always had too much makeup on. What was her name? Anna?

"I don't even know her! But since she'd related to you, I'm not sure what a good idea that'd be..." He snapped.

"Well thanks for the constructive criticism!" Ron snapped at him sarcastically, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Look," Alex said, sighing, "I don't feel like arguing, so I'm just going to assume that you're right about this. Which I kind of doubt you are, by the way."

Right about this? Right about what? Something was going on here; something weird. Were they keeping secrets together, or something? But what was he talking about when he meant 'not trusting' Ron's sister? Trust her with what? I was so confused. My brain hurt thinking about all this.

Ron glowered at Alex, "You know, you're being kind of an armchair critic, you know."

Alex grimaced, "I'm just saying I don't trust your precious sister! She won't tell you the plan? Don't you think that's a bit suspicious?"

Wait. A plan? What plan? Oh my god, the suspense was killing me!

Ron scowled, "Well, I trust her!" He growled, "She's never let me down before, so just lay off!"

Alex grimaced, resting his back against the wall and sighing. He paused for a moment, pondering over what Ron had said, "Fine." He muttered, "But you're a lucky girl, Ron."




Surely it's just a slip of the tongue, the paranoid voice inside my head said, I mean...Ron is pretty girly...right?

Ron beamed, "Sweet!" Pumping his-her fists in the air. "Vic won't let you down!"

I felt sick to my stomach. Ron didn't object when he called him a girl...which could only mean...he was a she? This was so wrong.

Veronica was Ron. But, no, there was no Ronald! He was made up! There's only Veronica!

But how did she get into this all boy's academy? Why did she? What was the point? Was she just here for the education? Was it merely a coincidence I knew her? Or was it more?

I was freaking out!

Oh my god, I thought, all those times we'd talked about how girly he/she was, we'd been right!

I don't think that should be your main focus, Paxton. The voice inside my head sighed.

There was a billion things bigger then me being right. And suddenly, I realized.

Holy crap.

The truth of the matter pierced me like a hundred daggers, cutting my heartstrings like they were something to play with.


I was in love with Ron.

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