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"Hurry up! We have to get this all perfectly right or else Ron has to go back to living with the elderly in Florida!"

"I'm going as fast as I can, Parker..."

"Not fast enough! Vamanos, everbody let's go! Come on, guys! If Dora the Explorer was here, she'd be so disappointed in you all!"

I waited outside the door, hoping that everybody would hurry up. Victoria had called telling me that my parent's flight came in today, therefore, Parker had to make everyone spring into action. I just hoped that Parker's plan worked.

"Alright!" I heard Parker cry from inside the bathroom, throwing the door open to reveal all five boys decked out in the most formal clothing I'd ever seen them wear.

I found my eyes glued on Alex, with his combed brown hair and tall, black slacks, a white button down shirt and a tie. He looked up, noticing my gaze, his gray eyes glinting, "You like?" He said smugly.

I felt my face heat up, suddenly averting my eyes to Parker and a stack of clothes that he had outreached for me, "Alright, Ron. Now put these on and do whatever it is girls do when they get ready." He said, smiling warmly.

I eagerly snatched the clothing from him, turning quickly into the bathroom where I layed out my outfit, staring it over morosely. I dressed up like a girl a lot for someone posing as a guy. I stared at a plaid, blue, green, and gold sundress with a pair of black flats and a white cardigan.

"PARKER!!!!" I yelled

"What??" he said calling through the door


"You don't like it?" one of the boys shouted

"HELL NO....sorry to say for the one that picked it out.." I flung open the door and ran to my bag, digging through it and throwing the clothes I didn't want around the room.

"Veronica! Stop throwing shit!" Alex yelled, catching and picking up all my clothes.

I turned my head to look at him


My face started to heat up. I turned my head to my bag quickly before I started getting red.

"Where is it?!" I yelled to myself

"Help?" the boys offered

"No...I got it"

I ran past Alex and started digging through the closet

"Oh come on Ron!" Parker shouted

"I'm sorry!" I shouted back

I continued digging and gasped answering the text I got after several minutes.

"What?" Alex said looking alarmed

"Nothing..." I said grabbing a bagged up dress on a hanger.

"Tell me" he demanded

"Its nothing" I said walking to the bathroom

"Uh, Veronica..." Alex followed me

"It is nothing Alexander." he froze and I closed the door.

I opened the bag. Victoria was right. This dress she left me was beautiful, it was a short, strapless, puffy black lace dress with dark barely noticeable bloody red polka-dots, and it had a bloody red color under the black lace. I slipped on some dark red-black high heels and let my hair down and out of the bun. I shook my hair out a bit and threw some gel through my natural curls, and then I dug through my junk drawer in the bathroom and found a nice red flower hair clip. I took the clip and my curly hair and threw it up in a tiny ponytail and let some of the curls fall in my face.

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